Making the application game themes in which one of the headings are direct broadcast games. Actually, there are direct addresses for streams, for example
What is trying to do:
Final WebView WebView = (WebView) FindViewByid (R.ID.Webview);
WebView.getSettings (). SetJavascriptenabled (TRUE);
Webview.getSettings (). SETUSEWIDEVIEWPORT (TRUE);
WebView.getSettings (). SetloadWithoverViewMode (True);
WebView.setWebchromeclient (New Webchromeclient ());
WebView.loadurl (URL);
Result – Opens WebView in which it is written that you need to install Flash Player .. Although in the official Twitch application, everything is played fine without flash. I understand that it is possible not even to the other side of the digging, but does anyone have any guesses? I will be glad to any help!
Answer 1, Authority 100%
The official application does not use WebView, and uses twich API and loses the video player.
Answer 2, Authority 75%
found a solution for WebView. Everything turned out to be simple:
webview.loadurl ("" + chanelname + "/ popout");