Home android How do I change the language in Android Stuido?

How do I change the language in Android Stuido?




Can I change the language of the Android Studio development environment? If so, what languages ​​and how?

Answer 1, authority 100%

The generally accepted language of communication among doctors is Latin, even a village paramedic, when writing out a diagnosis, will not fail to write DS or flaunt the word anamnesis. And this is the deep truth of life – a diagnosis written by a doctor in Russia will be understood by a doctor even somewhere in Africa – he personally witnessed when, in godforsaken Cambodia, a local horseman calmly took apart the scribbles of his Moscow colleague.

For us, for programmers / coders / developers, this is English, you may or may not like it, but this is a fact against which it is useless to protest.

So you need to know enough English to use Android Studio.

If you still want to – take the resources_en.jar file, which is in the Android Studio lib directory, unpack it and translate several thousand resource lines into Russian, type:

attempt.to.modify.read.only.document.error.message = Attempt to modify read-only document
typing.in.editor.command.name = Typing
errors.panel.go.to.errors.first.radio = Go to high priority problems only
errors.panel.go.to.next.error.warning.radio = Go to next problem
customize.highlighting.level.menu.item = Customize Highlighting Level
move.caret.command.name = Move caret
guarded.block.modification.attempt.error.message = Unable to perform an action since it changes read-only fragments of the current document
guarded.block.modification.attempt.error.title = Guarded Block Modification Attempt
close.editor.annotations.action.name = Close Annotations
editor.annotations.action.group.name = Annotations
move.cursor.command.name = Move Cursor
paste.command.name = Paste
move.selection.command.name = Move selection
typing.command.name = Typing
hector.import.popup.checkbox = Import & amp; popup
hector.highlighting.level.title = Highlighting Level
hector.none.slider.label = None
hector.syntax.slider.label = Syntax
hector.inspections.slider.label = Inspections
action.duplicate.block = & amp; Duplicate Block
action.duplicate.line = & amp; Duplicate Line
increase.editor.font = Increase Font Size
decrease.editor.font = Decrease Font Size
forced.soft.wrap.message = This document contains very long lines. Soft wraps were forcibly enabled to improve editor performance.
forced.soft.wrap.hide.message = Hide notification
forced.soft.wrap.dont.show.again.message = Don't show again
editor.notification.default.action.name = Notification actions
editor.notification.settings.option.name = Settings ...

JetBrains at one time ported Intellij IDEA (read the same Android Studio) to Japanese, but then refused, saying that there was no exhaust. It wasn’t worth the localization effort – Japanese developers didn’t rush to buy IDEA 🙂

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