Home android IMEI code on tablets without 3G

IMEI code on tablets without 3G




Hello. There is a program where I need to get IMEI device code. I checked on many devices, but today I found that it cannot be obtained on devices without 3G (and respectively without DIALER). Received it in this way.

TelephonyManager TM = (TelephonyManager) GetSystemService (Context.telephony_Service);

on such devices does not give anything. Did anyone come across such a problem and how can I get around it?

p.s. Honestly, I did not even find it in the device settings.

Answer 1, Authority 100%

Did anyone come across such a problem

Yes, for the one day it was unexpected.

p.s. Honestly, I did not even find it in the device settings.

All true, devices have no slot under the SIM card, do not have radio modulus , therefore do not have imei .

How can I get around it?

Use in this case instead of IMEI , any other pseudo -echnical identifier. For example:

string id = secure.getstring (getContentResolver (), secure.android_id);

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