Home android UnreSolved Reference Kotlin

UnreSolved Reference Kotlin




To begin with – I went a lot of mistakes that I get and used and tried everything that I found. However, I continue to receive them.

My build.gradle project file looks like this

Buildscript {
  Ext.kotlin_Version = "1.2.31"
  repositories {
    Google ()
    JCenter ()
  Dependencies {
    Classpath "Org.jetbrains.kotlin: Kotlin-gradle-plugin: $ kotlin_version"

build.gradle module level looks like this

Apply Plugin: 'kotlin-android'
Apply Plugin: 'kotlin-android-extensions'
Apply Plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'
Android {
  AndroidExtensions {
    Experimental = True.
Dependencies {
  // kotlin.
  Implementation "Org.jetbrains.kotlin: Kotlin-Reflect: $ kotlin_version"
  Implementation "Org.jetbrains.kotlin: Kotlin-stdlib-jdk7: $ kotlin_version"
  Implementation "Org.jetbrains.kotlin: Kotlin-Stdlib: $ kotlin_version"

But I continue to receive the following errors

E: \ Pages \ BaseActivity.kt: (16, 9): Unresolved Reference: Window
E: \ Pages \ GameActivity.kt: (37, 21): Unresolved Reference: Startactivity
E: \ Pages \ Menuactivity.kt: (30, 21): Unresolved Reference: Startactivity
E: \ Util \ Fileutil.kt: (19, 31): Unresolved Reference: Assets
E: \ Util \ Fileutil.kt: (21, 51): UnreSolved Reference: IT
E: \ ViewModel \ MenuViewModel.kt: (42, 70): Unresolved Reference: FINISH

As you may notice – there are no references to standard methods, such as ‘Startactivity’ or ‘Finish’. Why then Kotlin cannot recognize them?

I started receiving these errors after the project of the project – the version of the Gredal and Hredle plugin, the version of the Kotlin plugin and the versions of many libraries, but after I tried all this to sell – mistakes did not leave.

Nobody stalked with such a problem?

Answer 1, Authority 100%

I found a solution. It was a dependence that broke the assembly.


I added it to test the exposed at one time with the update of all versions in Build.gradle, so I did not pay attention to it immediately, I decided that it was an update of some kind of plugin or Bild Warred.

So if you get scope of these errors – the problem may be dependent on which it breaks the assembly, try to comment out the latest added and see whether it will help

Answer 2

in build.gradle Project level Add this dependency:

Buildscript {
  Dependencies {
   Classpath "Org.jetbrains.kotlin: Kotlin-Android-Extensions: $ kotlin_version"

and after reset the project

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