Help, please understand what class row or row-fluid you need to point in Container when laying a responsive template on bootstrap 2.3.2
For example, you watched several templates in some used ROW, and in some Row-Fluid, with this Container in both cases without Fluid (as it should be, as it is not rubber, but responsive )
Bootstrap-responsive.css is always connected.
What is right for Responsive Row or Row-Flior?
Answer 1, Authority 100%
& lt; meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, initial-scale = 1.0" & gt;
& lt; link href = "css / bootstrap.css" style = "text / css" REL = "STYLESHEET" / & GT;
& lt; link href = "css / bootstrap-responsive.css" STYLE = "TEXT / CSS" REL = "STYLESHEET" / & GT;
& lt; script type = "text / javascript" src = "" & gt; & lt; / script & gt;
& lt; script Type = "text / javascript" src = "js / bootstrap.min.js" & gt; & lt; / script & gt;
& lt; div class = "Container-Fluid" & gt;
& lt; div class = "Row-Fluid" & gt;
& lt; / div & gt;
& lt; / div & gt;