Home c# Checking C #

Checking C #




On the form there is a DataGridView, which is filled from Access. This table has several columns and unlimited number of lines. From this table, I need to somehow take all the dates from the “Data” column and compare them with the real date if this date is more withdrawing a message. How can this be done?

Answer 1

Private Void Button1_Click (Object Sender, Eventargs E)
    Foreach (DataGridView Row in DataGridView1.rows) // Watch all the lines in the table
      Foreach (DataGridViewCell Cell In Row.cells) // Watch out all cells in each row
        if (cel.columnindex == 2) // Check which column belongs to the cell (specify the index of your column)
          Datetime datagridvalue = convert.todatetime (cel.value); // Transform the cell value to DATETIME Data Type
          if; datagridvalue & lt; datetime.Now) // compare the value from the cell and the current date
            MessageBox.Show ("Current Date View");
            MessageBox.Show ("current date less");

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