Home c# error "for a non-static field, method or properties require reference to the...

error “for a non-static field, method or properties require reference to the object”




Here is the simplified code of my program. Help sort out, newcomer. Thank you so much!

class program
    Public struct dttable
      Float Cash;
      int quancar1;
      DTTable Calc ()
        DTTable MYTable = New Dttable ();
        int quancar1 = 0
            quancar1 = quancar1 + 10;
        Return (MYTABLE);
      Public Void SetDatatable (Dttable Indata)
        Console.WriteLine ("Total: {0}", quancar1);
      Static Void Main (String [] Args)
        SETDATATABLE (CALC ()); // Error here

Answer 1, Authority 100%

Make the setDatatable static method (write at the beginning of the STATIC modifier) ​​- and you will be happy.

Judging by the question, you do not understand what an object is, reference type and static class member.
Read the basics.
You can see a small lesson or some other, but be sure to deal with what is Object.

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