Home c# How to get all possible sublists from a list? C #

How to get all possible sublists from a list? C #




Could you please tell me if there are any built-in functions or LINQ functions that allow you to get all possible combinations of elements in a list?
That is, if I have a list of {bread, milk, chips, mustard} get combinations

{(bread), (milk), (chips), (mustard), (bread milk), (bread chips), (bread mustard), (milk chips), (milk mustard), (chips mustard), (bread milk chips), (bread milk mustard), (bread chips mustard), (milk chips mustard), (bread milk chips mustard) }.

A one-dimensional list is input to the function, and the result is a two-dimensional one.
If there are no built-in ones, have any ideas how to implement this? There will be such combinations

2 ^ (number of items in the list) - 1 .

I have already managed to implement 2-element combinations, but in this case, I have no ideas yet.
Here’s an example for 2 element combinations:

for (int i = 0; i & lt; prevItemSet.Count - 1; i ++)
        for (int j = i + 1; j & lt; prevItemSet.Count; j ++)
          if (! ItemSetList [i] .Equals (ItemSetList [j]))
            bool isSub = false;
            for (int l = 0; l & lt; k - 1; l ++)
              if (ItemSetList [i] [l] == ItemSetList [j] [l])
                isSub = true;
                isSub = false;
            if (isSub)
              if (ItemSetList [i] .Count == ItemSetList [j] .Count)
                var tempList = CombineItems (ItemSetList [i], ItemSetList [j]);
                int supp = SupportCount (tempList);
                if (! (tempList.Count == 0))
                  nextCandidate.Add (tempList, supp);
            // var tempList = CombineItems (ItemSetList [i], ItemSetList [j]);
            // int supp = SupportCount (tempList);
            // if (! (tempList.Count == 0))
            // nextCandidate.Add (tempList, supp);
          else continue;
 public List & lt; string & gt; CombineItems (List & lt; string & gt; firstList, List & lt; string & gt;
    List & lt; string & gt; resList = new List & lt; string & gt; ();
    int k = firstList.Count; // number of elements in the set
    resList = firstList;
    resList.Add (secondList [k - 1]);
    // for (int i = 0; i & lt; k - 1; i ++)
    // {
    // if (firstList [i] == secondList [i])
    // resList.Add (firstList [i]);
    // if (resList.Count == k - 1)
    // resList.Add (secondList [k - 1]);
    return resList;

Answer 1, authority 100%

I think something like this (explanations in the code)

public static class Helper
  /// & lt; summary & gt;
  /// Returns a list of lists of elements of the passed list without repetitions
  /// & lt; / summary & gt;
  /// & lt; typeparam name = "T" & gt; Item type & lt; / typeparam & gt;
  /// & lt; param name = "list" & gt; The original list & lt; / param & gt;
  /// & lt; returns & gt; & lt; / returns & gt;
  public static IList & lt; IList & lt; T & gt; & gt; GetAllOptionsWithoutRepetition & lt; T & gt; (this List & lt; T & gt; list)
    // for storing binary numbers
    var templates = new List & lt; string & gt; ();
    // count how many numbers will be in the answer and translate them into binary, starting from 0
    for (int i = 0; i & lt; Math.Pow (2, list.Count); i ++)
      var bin = Convert.ToString (i, 2);
      // also padding with zeros in front for completeness of the binary number 
templates.add ($ "{" 0 ".repeat (List.Count - bin.length)} {bin}");
    // Future result
    var risall = new list & lt; ilist & lt; t & gt; & gt; ();
    Foreach (Var Template in Templates)
      VAR Res = New List & lt; T & GT; ();
      for (int ch = 0; ch & lt; template.length; ch ++)
        // If something must stand in this place, I put (in accordance with the position in the incoming array)
        if (Template [CH] == '1') res.add (list [ch]);
      // If the array is not empty, I add to the main result
      if (res.Count & gt; 0) Resall.add (RES);
    // Returning Reuses, sterning him to
    Return Resall.orderby (s = & gt; s.count) .TheNBY (S = & gt; string.join (", s)). Tolist ();
  /// & LT; Summary & GT;
  /// Returns n times the same string
  /// & LT; / Summary & GT;
  /// & lt; param name = "str" ​​& gt; string & lt; / param & gt;
  /// & lt; param name = "num" & gt; number of repetitions & lt; / param & gt;
  /// & LT; Returns & gt; & lt; / returns & gt;
  Public Stator String Repeat (This String Str, Int Num)
    String Result = string.empty;
    for (int i = 0; i & lt; num; i ++)
      result + = str;


list & lt; string & gt; L = New List & LT; String & GT; {"A", "b", "c"};
  var test = l.getalloptionswithoutrepetition ();
  Foreach (Var Strs in Test)
    Console.WriteLine (String.join (",", StRS));


Your Test:

list & lt; string & gt; L = New List & LT; String & GT; {"Bread", "Milk", "Chips", "Mustard"};
  var test = l.getalloptionswithoutrepetition ();
  Foreach (Var Strs in Test)
    Console.WriteLine (String.join (",", StRS));


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