There are a couple of requests:
string image = product.productcharacteristics
.Where (C = & GT; == "image")
.Select (C = & GT; C.characteristic.Value)
.Firstordefault ();
String Price = Product.Productcharacteristics
.Where (C = & GT; == "Price")
.Select (C = & GT; C.characteristic.Value)
.Firstordefault ();
I want to do this with one request through a dictionary:
Public Dictionary & Lt; String, String & GT; DICT = p.Productcharacteristics
.Todictionary (C = & GT;, C = & GT; C.characteristic.Value)
But nothing comes out, I get a mistake. And so I tried:
Public Dictionary & Lt; String, String & GT; DICT = = Product.Productcharacteristics
.Select (C = & GT; new {, s.characteristic.value})
.AseNumerable ()
.Todictionary (C = & GT; S.Name, C = & GT; S.Value)
also error:
Linq to Entities Does Not Recognize The
Method 'System.Collections.Genic.dictionary`2 [System.String, System.String]
TODICTIONARY [& lt; & gt; f__anonymousticpe3`2, string, string]
System.collections.Genic.Ienumerable`1 [& lt; & gt; f__anonymousticpe3`2
System.String, System.String]], System.Func`2 [& lt; & gt; f__anonymousticpe3`2
System.String, System.String], System.String], System.Func`2
& lt; & gt; f__anonymousteype3`2 [System.String, System.String], System.String]) 'Method,
And this Method Cannot Be Translated Into A Store Expression.
How to build a query?
Answer 1, Authority 100%
Try it
DICT = (product.productcharacteristics
.Asnotracking ()
.Where (x = & gt; == "image")
.Todictionary (x = & gt;, x = & gt; x.value))
.Todictionary (S = & GT; S.KEY, S = & GT; S.Value);