Home c# Unity FindGameObjectsWithTag

Unity FindGameObjectsWithTag




What algorithm is it looking for? When there are 15 objects in the scene, it returns an array with them. If you repeat, it returns in the same sequence. If you swap objects on the scene, the sequence is the same. Rename objects – the same.

The question is – how to make this method look for objects exactly in a given sequence? Those. let’s say he would put this object first, this one second ..

Answer 1, authority 100%

using System.Collection.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
public class YourFindClass: MonoBehaviour
  void Find () {
    GameObject [] array = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("yourTag");
    List & lt; GameObject & gt; list = new List & lt; GameObject & gt; (array);
    list = list.OrderBy (value = & gt; value.GetComponent & lt; yourIDScript & gt; (). id) .Reverse (). ToList ();
    list = list.OrderBy (value = & gt; value.name) .ToList (); // sort by object name

as a result, get the GameObject sheet from largest to smallest by ID. you can run over the sheet and “pull out” the necessary objects from it.
Any use of Dictionary

void Find () {
   GameObject [] array = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("help");
   List & lt; GameObject & gt; list = new List & lt; GameObject & gt; (array);
   list = list.OrderBy (value = & gt; value.GetComponent & lt; yourScript & gt; (). id) .Reverse (). ToList ();
   Dictionary & lt; string, GameObject & gt; lists = new Dictionary & lt; int, GameObject & gt; ();
   foreach (yourScript item in list) {
     lists.Add (item.id, item.gameObject);

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