Home c C, adding and removing stack elements

C, adding and removing stack elements




Write routines for working with the stack. And then a program that just calls these routines in turn.

I wrote routines, but I cannot add an item to the stack using this routine. When I asked a question on one forum why the type does not work, I was told that I have some strange mixture of C and C++ that will never work, this completely confused me 🙁
Therefore, I ask here what is better to fix in these subroutines and how to add an element to the stack using them?

# include & lt; string.h & gt;
#include & lt; stdio.h & gt;
#include & lt; stdlib.h & gt;
#include & lt; stdint.h & gt;
typedef struct STACK
  int info;
  STACK * next;
int Empty (STACK * p)
  if (p == NULL)
    return 0;
    return 1;
void Add (STACK ** p, int l)
  STACK * tmp = new STACK;
  tmp- & gt; info = l;
  tmp- & gt; next = * p;
  * p = tmp;
int Del (STACK ** p)
  int j;
  j = (* p) - & gt; info;
  STACK * tmp = * p;
  * p = (* p) - & gt; next;
  delete tmp;
  return j;
void Show (STACK * p)
  STACK * tmp = p;
  while (tmp! = NULL)
    printf ("% d", tmp- & gt; info);
    tmp = tmp- & gt; next;
void create (STACK ** u)
  * u = NULL;
int main ()
    int num, l;
    char otv;
    printf ("% d how many items should I add?");
    scanf ("% d", & amp; num);
    for (int i = 0; i & lt; num; i ++)
      Add (& amp; STACK, l);
    printf ("% d Items added");

Answer 1, authority 100%

Well, if you comb it a little – everything works … I didn’t fix the limiting cases, see for yourself – well, there, removal from an empty stack or something similar, because with your code, for example, when removing from an empty stack you will get some heartbeat 🙂

# include & lt; string.h & gt;
#include & lt; stdio.h & gt;
#include & lt; stdlib.h & gt;
#include & lt; stdint.h & gt;
typedef struct STACK_
  int info;
  struct STACK_ * next;
int Empty (STACK * p)
  if (p == NULL)
    return 0;
    return 1;
void Add (STACK ** p, int l)
  STACK * tmp = malloc (sizeof (* tmp));
  tmp- & gt; info = l;
  tmp- & gt; next = * p;
  * p = tmp;
int Del (STACK ** p)
  int j;
  j = (* p) - & gt; info;
  STACK * tmp = * p;
  * p = (* p) - & gt; next;
  free (tmp);
  return j;
void Show (STACK * p)
  STACK * tmp = p;
  while (tmp! = NULL)
    printf ("% d", tmp- & gt; info);
    tmp = tmp- & gt; next;
  puts ("");
void create (STACK ** u)
  * u = NULL;
int main ()
  int num;
  printf ("how many items should I add?");
  scanf ("% d", & amp; num);
  for (int i = 0; i & lt; num; i ++)
    Add (& amp; STACK, i);
  printf ("Items added");
  Show (STACK);
  Del (& amp; STACK);
  Del (& amp; STACK);
  Show (STACK);

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