Home c CO compilation and execution in Sublime Text 3, Windows 10

CO compilation and execution in Sublime Text 3, Windows 10




I want to compile .c file in Sublime Text 3, in Windows 10, but when trying to output using Printf , something will not disable anything, nothing is displayed, the text

When starting a file from Windows PowerShell everything works:

When you try to run from the command line, everything is also displayed:

Here is how my assembly looks like:

  "CMD": ["GCC", "$ {file}", "-o", "$ {File_Path} / $ {file_base_name}"],
  "file_regex": "^ (.. [^:] *): ([0-9] +) :? ([0-9] +)?:? (. *) $"
  "Working_dir": "$ {file_path}",
  "SELECTOR": "Source.c",
  "Shell": True,
  "PATH": "C: \\ Mingw \\ Bin \\"

changed the folder My works on my_projects , but it also did not help

Answer 1

My problem solved such an assembly:

  "CMD": ["GCC", "$ file_name", "-o", "$ {file_base_name} .exe", "& amp; & amp;", "$ {file_base_name} .exe"],
  "SELECTOR": "Source.c",
  "Shell": True,
  "Working_dir": "$ FILE_PATH"

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