Home c Cyclic shift of the array

Cyclic shift of the array




For example, you need to perform a cyclic shift to the right by n elements. And how to perform a cyclic shift to the right by -n elements? What will the array look like?

Just write what is the correct answer:
Array – 1 2 3 4 5
Nudge -2 (negative number) right

Is the correct answer 3 4 5 1 2 or 3 4 5 2 1 ?

Answer 1, authority 100%

The correct answer is 3 4 5 1 2


Cyclic shift right by -2 is the same as rotate left by 2.

There is an amazingly simple algorithm of three reverse (array, size) for cyclic shift to the left, which is easy to remember and almost impossible to make mistakes in implementation.

This is how it works with 12345 (s [] = 12345, size = 5, dist = 2)

reverse (s, dist); // 21 | 345
reverse (s + dist, size - dist); // 21 | 543
reverse (s, size); // 34512

Write that Ken Thompson wrote an editor with the function
reverse in 1971, and he claims it was already legendary back then.

it so happened that I recently compared the performance of this algorithm, with block permutation shift (which on average requires fewer transfers array elements and I’ve used it before) and was surprised to find that the algorithm on reverse () , despite the greater number of memory operations, is even slightly faster.
So I decided to share it.

Answer 2, authority 80%

Most languages ​​probably already have this. For example, in C++ this is std :: rotate from & lt; algorithm & gt;

std :: rotate (& amp; a [first], & amp; a [middle], & amp; a [last ]);

This is then cyclically shifted so that middle becomes the first element. Regarding the shift to the right, to the left: due to the cyclicity, the shift to the right by n elements is a shift to the left by m – n elements, where m is the size of the array.

If you need to write in C (a tutorial assignment, as I understand it?), then you can take the same implementation from the STL as a sample

ForwardIterator next = middle;
while (first! = next)
  swap (* first ++, * next ++);
  if (next == last)
    next = middle;
  else if (first == middle)
    middle = next;

Roughly speaking, the idea of ​​work is this (shift to the left by 1):


Answer 3, authority 50%

int [] a = new int [] {236, 267, 973, 357};
  int n = 1;
  int [] b = new int [a.length];
  for (int i = a.length-1; i & gt; = 0; i--) {
    if (i + n & gt; = a.length) {
      b [i + n-a.length] = a [i];
    else {
      b [i + n] = a [i];
  for (int i: b) {
    System.out.println (i);

You will get an n (1) shift to the right in the console output.

Answer 4, authority 40%

I will give an example for C #.
I don’t know more clearly or not, I usually write like this. The method can be formatted as an extension. When shiftValue is positive, the shift occurs to the right, when negative, to the left.

public static T [] Shift & lt; T & gt; (T [] array, int shiftValue)
  var newArray = new T [array.Length];
  shiftValue - = array.Length;
  if (shiftValue & lt; 0)
    shiftValue * = - 1;
  for (var i = 0; i & lt; array.Length; i ++)
    var index = (i + shiftValue)% array.Length;
    newArray [i] = array [index];
  return newArray;

Answer 5, authority 30%

I typed from the body, but it seems like this


for (I = 1; I & lt; = n; I ++)
  b = [10];
  for (j = 10; j & lt; = 0; j = j - 1)
    a [j] = [j-1];
  a [1] = b;


for (j = 1; j & lt; = n; j ++)
  int first = a [1];
  for (i = 1; i & lt; 10; i ++)
  a [i] = a [i + 1];
  a [10] = first;

Answer 6

This works for me.

void array_Rotate_Right (unsigned char * p, unsigned char e) {
  unsigned char i, i1;
  for (i1 = 0; i1 & lt; e; i1 ++) {
    for (i = 6; i & gt; 0; i -) {
      p [i] & gt; & gt; = 1;
      if ((p [i-1] & amp; 0x1) == 0x1) p [i] + = 128;
  p [0] & gt; & gt; = 1;

Answer 7

I don’t know what language you wanted, I’ll write in C++, it will turn out something like this

for (int i = / * here is a number, how long is the array * /; i & gt; = 0; i- -)
  a [i + n] = a [i];

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