Home c for what you need macros in si in the header file intetypes.h

for what you need macros in si in the header file intetypes.h




For what you need data from SCNXN and PRIXN macros. For example:

#include & lt; inttypes.h & gt;
// in data reading
uint32_t code_point;
FSCANF (IN, "%" SCNX32, & amp; code_point);
PrintF ("%" Prix32, Code_Point);

Answer 1, Authority 100%

We look at how they are set in & lt; inttypes.h & gt; :

# define prix32 "x"

i.e. Instead, in this example, “X” and:

will be affixed

fscanf (in, "%" SCNX32, & amp; code_point);
PrintF ("%" Prix32, Code_Point);

will be:

fscanf (in, "% x", & amp; code_point);
PrintF ("% x", code_point);

And the % x manifests the number in the sixdenta mapping.

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