Home c Translation of the 12th number system in the 10 th

Translation of the 12th number system in the 10 th





It is necessary to write a program performing this translation. In C language. He began to write, but something is not satisfied.

# include & lt; stdio.h & gt;
#Include & lt; String.h & gt;
#include & lt; ctype.h & gt;
#Include & lt; math.h & gt;
#Include & lt; stdio.h & gt;
int HEX_TO_DEC (char st [10])
  int i, s, k, p;
  s = 0;
  p = strlen (st) - 1;
  for (i = 0;! st [i] = '\ 0'; i ++) {
    switch (toupper (st [i])) {
    case 'A':
      k = 10;
    case 'B':
      k = 11;
    case 'C':
      k = 12;
    case 'D':
      k = 13;
    case 'E':
      k = 14;
    case 'F':
      k = 15;
    case '1':
      k = 1;
    case '2':
      k = 2;
    case '3':
      k = 3;
    case '4':
      k = 4;
    case '5':
      k = 5;
    case '6':
      k = 6;
    case '7':
      k = 7;
    case '8':
      k = 8;
    case '9':
      k = 9;
    case '0':
      k = 0;
    s = s + k * pow (16, p);
  printf ( "% s", & amp; s ");
  Return 0;
Void Main ()
  char st [10];
  char ch;
  scanf ( "% s", & amp; st ");
  printf ( "Rezultant: n");
  HEX_TO_DEC (st);

What is the error? Thanks in advance.

Answer 1, Authority 100%


printf ( "% s", & amp; s ");

First, you even Heshkod highlights that quotes both are horrible, secondly, s – the number and output as a string. Try this:

printf ( "% d", s);

Well, in scanf remove the extra quotation marks.

PS Hint. Characters from A to F and 0 to 9 are in order, there is no need, at least it can be reduced by 8 times in your switch.

upd here compiled version

Answer 2, Authority 80%

I tried to fix your code with a minimum of changes to:

  1. The printf and scanf superfluous quote before the closing parenthesis
  2. The printf pass a value, and not the address (an extra ampersand)
  3. The scanf format string is not written correctly, instead of "% s" email "% s" , leaving a space before the modifier, you need to a gap appeared when entering, because it is not, scanf believes that the line parsing failed and no assignment will perform, then the transfer will work with the garbage from the stack.
  4. (Optional). The variable ch function in the main is not used, can be removed.
  5. (Optional). I think before the result is displayed, you want to print the "Rezultant: \ n" instead of "Rezultant: n"
  6. (Optional). You connect the two stdio.h .

As the input means the hexadecimal number short (meaning breaks int), I would use the function strtol () (do not forget to include the header file stdlib.h ):

char st [10];
long result;
scanf ( "% 9s", & amp; st);
result = strtol (st, NULL, 16);
printf ( "Rezultant:% ld \ n", result);

If you want to always be able to check the correctness of the input data using a second parameter strtol () . For simplicity, in this example I do not use it.

Answer 3, Authority 20%

And if so? (Slightly corrected). Only translates not from hexadecimal to decimal, and hexadecimal to read from an unsigned integer

# include & lt; stdio.h & gt;
#Include & lt; ctype.h & gt;
Void Hex_TO_DEC (Char St [10])
  int i, k;
  unsigned int s = 0;
  For (i = 0; ST [i]! = '\ 0'; I ++)
    int c;
    Switch (C = TUPPER (ST [I]))
    Case 'A':
    Case 'b':
    Case 'C':
    Case 'D':
    Case 'E':
    Case 'F':
      k = c - 'a' + 10;
    Case '1':
    Case '2':
    Case '3':
    Case '4':
    Case '5':
    Case '6':
    Case '7':
    Case '8':
    Case '9':
    Case '0':
      k = c - '0';
    s = (s & lt; & lt; 4) + k;
  Printf ("% u \ n", s);
Void Main ()
  char st [10];
  char ch;
  unsigned int d;
  scanf ("% 9s", ST);
  Printf ("Rezultant:");
  Hex_to_dec (ST);
  SSCANF (ST, "% X", & amp; D);
  PrintF ("Compare to% u \ n", d);

Answer 4

you are sure that this is right:

printf ("% s, & amp; s");


Answer 5

You probably here: Transfer from some number systems to other .

Answer 6

To not be confused with types, you can use the library iOSTREAM.H, which, in my opinion, is more convenient than stdio.h.

in it (example):

  • Enter: CIN & GT; & GT; A; // A – Variable
  • output: cout & lt; & lt; "variable a -" & lt; & lt; a;

Types of variables do not specify.

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