Home c++ Chunk of IDAT PNG format, how to load PNG

Chunk of IDAT PNG format, how to load PNG




I need to extract color information from a png image, including the alpha channel. If you open the picture in a hex editor, the data I need will be in the IDAT block. True, they are encrypted there. Can anyone know how to decrypt this block using C++ tools?

Answer 1, authority 100%

They are not encrypted there. They are packed 🙂

The format itself is described – IDAT section and compression .

Here are just pens to unpack – it will take a long time. I recommend using a ready-made project – libpng , which you can download for your platform. Or use ready-made wrappers – ImageMagick , OpenCV , Qt – they provide access to pixels and additional information.

Answer 2, authority 50%

There is a very good and small library – Lodepng – I use it to work with textures in OpenGL. Provides pretty good features.

Answer 3, authority 50%

The IDAT block can be unpacked with the zlib library, which is available wherever possible)

In JavaScript it looks like this (along with pixel decoding):

zlib.inflate (this.imgData, function (err, data) {
  var byte, c, col, i, left, length, p, pa, paeth, pb, pc, pixelBytes, pixels, pos, row, scanlineLength, upper, upperLeft;
  if (err) throw err;
  pixelBytes = _this.pixelBitlength / 8;
  scanlineLength = pixelBytes * _this.width;
  pixels = new Buffer (scanlineLength * _this.height);
  length = data.length;
  row = 0;
  pos = 0;
  c = 0;
  while (pos & lt; length) {
    switch (data [pos ++]) {
      case 0:
        for (i = 0; i & lt; scanlineLength; i + = 1) {
          pixels [C++] = data [pos ++];
      case 1:
        for (i = 0; i & lt; scanlineLength; i + = 1) {
          byte = data [pos ++];
          left = i & lt; pixelBytes? 0: pixels [c - pixelBytes];
          pixels [C++] = (byte + left)% 256;
      case 2:
        for (i = 0; i & lt; scanlineLength; i + = 1) {
          byte = data [pos ++];
          col = (i - (i% pixelBytes)) / pixelBytes;
          upper = row & amp; & amp; pixels [(row - 1) * scanlineLength + col * pixelBytes + (i% pixelBytes)];
          pixels [C++] = (upper + byte)% 256;
      case 3:
        for (i = 0; i & lt; scanlineLength; i + = 1) {
          byte = data [pos ++];
          col = (i - (i% pixelBytes)) / pixelBytes;
          left = i & lt; pixelBytes? 0: pixels [c - pixelBytes];
          upper = row & amp; & amp; pixels [(row - 1) * scanlineLength + col * pixelBytes + (i% pixelBytes)];
          pixels [C++] = (byte + Math.floor ((left + upper) / 2))% 256;
      case 4:
        for (i = 0; i & lt; scanlineLength; i + = 1) {
          byte = data [pos ++];
          col = (i - (i% pixelBytes)) / pixelBytes;
          left = i & lt; pixelBytes? 0: pixels [c - pixelBytes];
          if (row === 0) {
            upper = upperLeft = 0;
          } else {
            upper = pixels [(row - 1) * scanlineLength + col * pixelBytes + (i% pixelBytes)];
            upperLeft = col & amp; & amp; pixels [(row - 1) * scanlineLength + (col - 1) * pixelBytes + (i% pixelBytes)];
          p = left + upper - upperLeft;
          pa = Math.abs (p - left);
          pb = Math.abs (p - upper); 
PC = Math.abs (P - Upperleft);
          If (PA & LT; = PB & amp; & amp; PA & LT; = PC) {
            paeth = left;
          } ELSE If (PB & LT; = PC) {
            Paeth = Upper;
          } else {
            Paeth = Upperleft;
          Pixels [C++] = (BYTE + PAETH)% 256;
        Throw New Error ("Invalid Filter Algorithm:" + Data [POS - 1]);
    ROW ++;
  Callback (Pixels);

Taken from: https://github.com/devongovettt/png. JS / Blob / Master / PNG-Node.js # L171

Answer 4, Authority 17%

The IDAT unit can be unpaved by the ZLIB library, which is everywhere where you can only) but what to do next – find it difficult. The answer is swallowed in codes, and a good implementation from “LODEPNG”. But still, since this part is difficult to dig up – I will describe the more detailed.

  1. Read (or write filter) All Idat sections that are near
  2. We skip 2 bytes with IDAT (there is a compression method specified by cm. libpng.org )
  3. Unpack everything in one piece + Reserve more Buffer IMG for RGB (RGBA)
  4. png_postprocessscanlines (IMG, IDAT, image_width, image_height, 0);
  5. Unfilter – (allows you to find some repetitive lines depicting)
  6. Remove Padding Bits – in other words alignment
  7. Adam7 Deinterlice – makes a “consecutive approximation” if the interlace_method = 8 flag is installed in the title. Detail https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/adam7

Implementation from step 4 to 7, I will show (this is the decryption IDAT)

unsigned PNG_POSTPROCEssCanLines (unsigned char * out, unsigned char * in, unsigned w, unsigned h, const void * info_png) {
 Unsigned ERR;
 / * This Function Converts The Filtered-Padded-Interlaced Data Into Pure 2D Image Buffer with the PNG's Colortype.
 *) If no adam7: 1) unfilter 2) Remove Padding Bits (= POSIBLE EXTRA BITS PER SCANLINE IF BPP & LT; 8)
 *) If Adam7: 1) 7x Unfilter 2) 7x Remove Padding Bits 3) Adam7_DeinterLace
 Note: The in Buffer Will Be Overwritten with Intermediate Data! * /
 // 2017.
 unsigned BPP = PNG_GETBPP (); // LODEPNG_GET_BPP (& amp; info_png- & gt; color);
 // 2017 IF (BPP == 0) RETURN 31; / * Error: Invalid Colortype * /
 if (interlace_method == 0) {
  If (BPP & LT; 8 & amp; & amp; W * BPP! = ((W * BPP + 7) / 8) * 8) {
   if ((ERR = PNG_UNFILTER (IN, IN, W, H, BPP))! = 0) RETURN ERR;
    PNG_REMOVEPADDINGBITS (OUT, IN, W * BPP, ((W * BPP + 7) / 8) * 8, h);
  / * We Can Immediatly Filter Into The Out Buffer, No Other Steps Needed * /
  ELSE if ((Err = PNG_UNFILTER (OUT, IN, W, H, BPP))! = 0) Return ERR;
 Else / * Interlace_Method IS 1 (Adam7) * /
  unsigned password [7], PASSH [7]; Size_t Filter_PassStart [8], padded_passstart [8], PassStart [8];
  unsigned i, j;
  for (i = 0; i & lt; 7; i ++)
   if ((ERR = PNG_UNFILTER (& amp; in [Padded_passstart [i]], & amp; in [filter_passstart [i]], passw [i], passh [i], bpp))! = 0) Return ERR;
   / * TODO: Possible Efficiency Improvement: If in this Reduced Image The Bits Fit Nicely In 1 Scanline,
   Move Bytes Instad of Bits OR Move Not At All * /
   IF (BPP & LT; 8)
    / * Remove Padding Bits in Scanlines; After Thre Still May Be Padding
    Bits Between The Different Reduced Images: Each Reduced Image Still Starts Nicely at A BYTE * /
    png_removepaddingbits (& amp; in [passstart [i]], & amp; in [Padded_passstart [i]], Passw [i] * BPP,
             ((Passw [i] * BPP + 7) / 8) * 8, PASSH [I]);
 Return 0;
 // Return GetnumColorchannels (Colortype) * BitDepth; 
Switch (/ * Colortype * / Data.png.characteristics [1] / * byte 0x19 with file PNG * /) {/ * [0] = BitDepth * /
  Case 0: Return 1 * Data.png.characteristics [0]; / * byte 0x18 from the PNG * / / * Gray file * /
  Case 2: Return 3 * Data.png.characteristics [0]; / * RGB * /
  Case 3: Return 1 * Data.png.characteristics [0]; / * palette * /
  Case 4: Return 2 * Data.png.characteristics [0]; / * grey + alpha * /
  CASE 6: RETURN 4 * DATA.PNG.Characteristics [0]; / * RGBA * /
Unsigned PNG_UNFILTER (Unsigned Char * Out, Const unsigned char * in, unsigned w, unsigned h, unsigned BPP) {
 / *
 For PNG Filter Method 0
 Out Must Have Enough Bytes Allocated Already, In Must Have the Scanlines + 1 FiltertyPe Byte Per Scanline
 W and H Are Image Dimensions OR Dimensions of Reduced Image, BPP IS BITS PER PIXEL
 * /
 unsigned y;
 unsigned char * prevline = 0;
 unsigned err = 0;
 / * BYTEWIDTH IS USED FOR FILTERING, IS 1 WHEN BPP & LT; 8, Number of Bytes Per Pixel OtherWise * /
 Size_t ByteWidth = (BPP + 7) / 8;
 Size_t LineBytes = (W * BPP + 7) / 8;
 for (y = 0; y & lt; h; y ++)
  Size_t Outindex = Linebytes * Y;
  Size_t Inindex = (1 + Linebytes) * y; / * The Extra FilterByte Added to Each Row * /
  unsigned char filtertype = in [inindex];
  // __ Emit __ (0xcc);
  // if ((ERR = PNG_UNFILTERSCANLINE (& amp; out [outindex], & amp; in [inindex + 1], prevline, bytewidth, filtertype, linebytes))! = 0) Return ERR;
  unsigned char * recon = Out + Outindex;
  Const unsigned char * scanline = in + inindex + 1;
  const unsigned char * precon = prevline;
  Size_T Length = Linebytes;
  // unsigned char * recon, const unsigned char * precanline, Const unsigned char * precon, Size_t Bytewidth, Unsigned Char FilteType, Size_T Length
 Switch (FiltertyPe)
  Case 0: for (i = 0; i & lt; length; i ++) Recon [i] = Scanline [i]; Break;
  Case 1:
   for (i = 0; i & lt; bytewidth; i ++) recon [i] = scanline [i];
   For (I = BYTEWIDTH; I & LT; LENGTH; I ++) Recon [i] = Scanline [i] + Recon [i - bytewidth];
  Case 2:
   If (Precon)
    for (i = 0; i & lt; length; i ++) recon [i] = scanline [i] + precon [i];
   else for (i = 0; i & lt; length; i ++) recon [i] = scanline [i];
  Case 3:
   If (Precon)
    for (i = 0; i & lt; bytewidth; i ++) recon [i] = scanline [i] + precon [i] / 2;
    For (I = BYTEWIDTH; I & LT; LENGTH; I ++) Recon [i] = Scanline [i] + ((Recon [i - BYTEWIDTH] + Precon [i]) / 2);
    for (i = 0; i & lt; bytewidth; i ++) recon [i] = scanline [i];
    For (I = BYTEWIDTH; I & LT; LENGTH; I ++) Recon [i] = Scanline [i] + recon [i - bytewidth] / 2;
  Case 4:
   If (Precon)
    for (i = 0; i & lt; bytewidth; i ++)
     Recon [i] = (Scanline [i] + Precon [i]); / * PaethPredictor (0, Precon [i], 0) Is Always Precon [i] * /
    for (I = BYTEWIDTH; I & LT; LENGTH; I ++)
     Recon [i] = (Scanline [i] + PNG_PAETHPREDICTOR (Recon [I - BYTEWIDTH], Precon [i], Precon [I - BYTEWIDTH]));
    for (i = 0; i & lt; bytewidth; i ++)
     Recon [i] = Scanline [i];
    for (I = BYTEWIDTH; I & LT; LENGTH; I ++)
     / * Paethpredictor (Recon [I - BYTEWIDTH], 0, 0) IS ALWAYS RECON [I - BYTEWIDTH] * /
     Recon [i] = (Scanline [i] + recon [i - byotewidth]);
  Default: Return 36; / * Error: UNEXISTING FILTER TYPE GIVEN * /
  prevline = & amp; out [outindex];
 Return 0;
unsigned png_removepaddingbits (unsigned char * out, const unsigned char * in, size_t olinebits, size_t ilinebits, unsigned h)
 unsigned y;
 Unsigned Char Bit;
 size_t diff = ilinebits - olinebits;
 Size_t ibp = 0, OBP = 0; / * INPUT AND OUTPUT BIT POINTS * /
 for (y = 0; y & lt; h; y ++)
  Size_t x;
  for (x = 0; x & lt; olinebits; x ++) {
   // Bit = In [IBP & GT; & GT; 3] & amp; (1 & gt; & gt; (7- (IBP & amp; 7))); // unsigned char bit = ReadBitFromReversedStream (& amp; IBP, IN); 
// if (Bit) out [OBP & GT; & GT; 3] | = (1 & gt; & gt; (7- (OBP & AMP; 7))); // setBitofreversedStream (& amp; OBP, OUT, BIT);
   if (in [IBP & GT; & gt; 3] & amp; (1 & gt; & gt; (7- (IBP & AMP; 7)))) OUT [OBP & GT; & GT; 3] | = (1 & gt; & gt; (7- (OBP & AMP; 7)));
   IBP ++; OBP ++;
  IBP + = DIFF;
static const unsigned char adam7_ix [7] = {0.4,0,2,0,1,0};
Static const unsigned char adam7_iy [7] = {0,0,4,2,0,1};
Static Const unsigned char adam7_dx [7] = {8,8,4,4,2,2,1};
Static Const unsigned char adam7_dy [7] = {8,8,8,4,4,2,2};
Void PNG_ADAM7_GETPASSVALUES (unsigned passw [7], Unsigned Passh [7], Size_t Filter_PassStart [8], Size_T Padded_PassStart [8], Size_t Passstart [8], unsigned w, unsigned h, unsigned BPP)
{unsigned i; / * Curl cycles in Define * /
 / * Calculate Width and Height In Pixels of Each Pass * /
 #Define PNG_AD71L (I) if ((Passw [i] = (W + (4- (I / 2)) * 2 - ((i & amp; 1) * ((5-i) + (i == 5))) - 1) / ((4- (I / 2)) * 2)) == 0) PASSH [0] = 0; \
        ELSE IF ((Passh [i] = (H + (I & LT; 3)? 8: (8 - ((i + 1) & amp; 6)) - (i == 2)? 4: ((i == 4) ? 2: (i == 6)? 1: 0) -1) / ((i & lt; 3)? 8: (8 - ((i + 1) & amp; 6)))) == 0) Passw [0 ] = 0;
 PNG_AD71L (0); PNG_AD71L (1); PNG_AD71L (2); PNG_AD71L (3); PNG_AD71L (4); PNG_AD71L (5); PNG_AD71L (6);
 filter_passstart [0] = padded_passstart [0] = passstart [0] = 0;
 #Undef PNG_ADL71L
 #Define PNG_ADL71L (i) filter_passstart [i + 1] = filter_passstart [i] + ((Passw [i] & amp; & amp; passh [i])? Passh [i] * (1 + (Passw [i] * BPP + 7) / 8): 0); / * if passw [i] IS 0, IT's 0 bytes, not 1 (no filtertype-byte) * / \
 padded_passstart [i + 1] = padded_passstart [i] + Passh [i] * ((Passw [i] * BPP + 7) / 8); / * Bits Padded If Needed to Fill Full Byte AT End of Each Scanline * / \
 passstart [i + 1] = passstart [i] + (Passh [i] * Passw [i] * BPP + 7) / 8; / * Only Padded AT End of Reduced Image * /
 PNG_AD71L (0); PNG_AD71L (1); PNG_AD71L (2); PNG_AD71L (3); PNG_AD71L (4); PNG_AD71L (5); PNG_AD71L (6);
 #Undef PNG_ADL71L
Void PNG_ADAM7_DEINTERLACE (unsigned char * out, const unsigned char * in, unsigned w, unsigned h, unsigned BPP)
 unsigned password [7], PASSH [7];
 Size_t Filter_PassStart [8], padded_passstart [8], PassStart [8];
 unsigned i;
 if (BPP & GT; = 8)
  for (i = 0; i & lt; 7; i ++)
   unsigned x, y, b;
   size_t byotewidth = BPP / 8;
   For (y = 0; y & lt; Passh [i]; y ++)
   For (x = 0; x & lt; passw [i]; x ++)
    size_t pixelinstart = passstart [i] + (y * passw [i] + x) * Bytewidth;
    size_t pixeloutstart = ((adam7_iy [i] + y * adam7_dy [i]) * W + Adam7_IX [i] + x * adam7_dx [i]) * bywidth;
    for (b = 0; b & lt; byotewidth; b ++)
     out [pixeloutstart + b] = in [pixelinstart + b];
 ELSE / * BPP & LT; 8: Adam7 with Pixels & LT; 8 Bit IS A Bit Trickier: With Bit Pointers * /
  for (i = 0; i & lt; 7; i ++)
   unsigned x, y, b;
   unsigned ilinebits = BPP * PASSW [i];
   unsigned olinebits = bpp * w;
   Size_t OBP, IBP; / * Bit Pointers * /
   For (y = 0; y & lt; Passh [i]; y ++)
   For (x = 0; x & lt; passw [i]; x ++)
    ibp = (8 * passstart [i]) + (y * ilinebits + x * bpp);
    OBP = (adam7_iy [i] + y * adam7_dy [i]) * OlineBits + (adam7_ix [i] + x * adam7_dx [i]) * BPP;
    FOR (B = 0; B & LT; BPP; B ++)
     // unsigned char bit = ReadBitFromReversedStream (& amp; IBP, IN);
     / * Note That This Function Assumes The Out Buffer IS Completely 0, USE SetBitofreversedStream OtherWise * /
     // setBitofreversedStream0 (& amp; OBP, OUT, BIT);
     if (in [IBP & GT; & gt; 3] & amp; (1 & gt; & gt; (7- (IBP & AMP; 7)))) OUT [OBP & GT; & GT; 3] | = (1 & gt; & gt; (7- (OBP & AMP; 7)));
     IBP ++; OBP ++;
Unsigned Char PNG_PAETHPREDICTOR (Short A, Short B, Short C) {
 Short PA = ABS (B - C);
 Short PB = ABS (A - C);
 Short PC = ABS (A + B - C - C);
 if (PC & LT; PA & AMP; & amp; PC & LT; PB) Return (unsigned char) c;
 Return (PB & LT; PA)? (Unsigned Char) B: (unsigned char) a;

After running PNG_POSTPROCEssCanLines , we get a picture with bytes of the BPP depth, which is no longer difficult to withdraw with full-time tools on the screen.

Use something like this

if (tag == 1413563465 / * IDAT * /) {
  D- & gt; read ((char *) & amp; i, 2); // Skip the 2nd byte. It is possible to check the "method"
  i = data.png.image_width * data.png.image_height * png_getbpp ();
  Initdeflate (D, 8192); DeflateRead (& amp; x_data, i + 256); // somehow divert
  img = malloc (i);
  PNG_POSTPROCESCANLINES (IMG, X_DATA, image_width, image_height, 0);
  For (j = 0; j & lt; image_heigth; j ++)
   for (i = 0; j & lt; image_width; i ++) {
    // output img on screen


  1. http://lodev.org/lodepng/

  2. https://github.com/lvandeve/lodepng

  3. http://www.libpng.org

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