setlocale (LC_ALL, "Russian");
– does not help.
Answer 1, Authority 100%
These questions were discussed many, many -..0 times.
Try to type in Google:
site: C++ Windows Russian language krakoyar
and read, for example, here .
and @kovadim rights. It is not worth to learn Programming on C / C++ in Windows (and maybe there is no time to spend on it).
Answer 2, Authority 100%
system ("CHCP 1251");
It helps me, the easiest and most convenient option If you study.
setlocale (LC_ALL, "RUSSIAN");
– you can not use in this case.
The only one in the console will be unnecessary information of this kind: “Current code page: 1251”
Next, when you delve, there will be other solutions, more complex, universal.
Answer 3
Use functions:
setconsolecp (1251); // Setting the code page WIN-CP 1251 in the input stream
SetConsoleoutPutcp (1251); // Setting the code page WIN-CP 1251 in the output stream
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