There is a line, in it you need to find the symbol '='
and write its position to a variable. What solutions are there?
Answer 1, authority 100%
To find an element in a string, use the std :: string: find
, it will return the position of the first occurrence. If the character or substring is not in the original string, it will return std :: string: : npos
std :: string equation = "1 + 2 = 4";
std :: cout & lt; & lt; equation.find ('=') & lt; & lt; std :: endl;
Answer 2, authority 100%
You did not say what type of object you have the string in.
Below is a demo program that searches for a character in the character array s1
and in an object named s2
of the class std :: string
# include & lt; iostream & gt;
#include & lt; string & gt;
#include & lt; cstring & gt;
int main ()
char s1 [] = "2 * 2 = 4";
std :: string s2 (s1);
char c = '=';
char * p = std :: strchr (s1, c);
if (p! = nullptr)
std :: cout & lt; & lt; "Character" & lt; & lt; c & lt; & lt; "found at position" & lt; & lt; p - s1 & lt; & lt; std :: endl;
std :: cout & lt; & lt; "The rest of the string is \" "& lt; & lt; p & lt; & lt;" \ "" & lt; & lt; std :: endl;
std :: string :: size_type n = s2.find (c);
if (n! = std :: string :: npos)
std :: cout & lt; & lt; "Character" & lt; & lt; c & lt; & lt; "found at position" & lt; & lt; n & lt; & lt; std :: endl;
std :: cout & lt; & lt; "The rest of the string is \" "& lt; & lt; s2.substr (n) & lt; & lt;" \ "" & lt; & lt; std :: endl;
The program output to the console looks like this:
Character '=' found at position 6
The rest of the string is "= 4"
Character '=' found at position 6
The rest of the string is "= 4"