So it does not work.
Answer 1, Authority 100%
It is necessary when an function declarations indicate the size of the smaller dimension of the array:
void vqvod (int arr [] [m]) {
... // here cycle
cout & lt; & lt; arr [i] [j];
or pointer:
void vqvod (int * arr [m]) {
... // here cycle
cout & lt; & lt; arr [i] [j];
with simple pointer:
void vqvod (int * arr) {
... // here cycle
COUT & LT; & LT; * (Arr + I * M + J); // Stritch for long rainwood
VQVOD ((INT *) A); // This is how it is necessary to call a function
Answer 2, Authority 22%
I transmit a matrix to a function like this:
int lines = 3, columns = 4;
Double ** Matrix = New Double * [Lines];
for (int i = 0; i & lt; lines; i ++)
Matrix [i] = New Double [columns];
A, then, transfer to function:
fun (Matrix, Lines, Columns);
Prototype function:
void fun (double **, int, int);
Do not forget to free up memory:
for (int i = 0; i & lt; lines; i ++)
Matrix [i] = 0;
Matrix = 0;
If the MATRIX pointer does not appeal anymore, then
You can not assign 0 not.