You need to find the longest word in the string. Bestly! Without a String class! The problem is that the code does not work. And I displays the whole line instead of the longest word
#include & lt; iostream & gt;
#Include & lt; Locale & gt;
#Include & lt; CString & GT;
Using Namespace STD;
Char S [100];
INT N, I, K, KOL, MAX = 0, Y, G, J = 0;
CIN.GetLine (S, 100);
int p;
i = 0;
For (int l = 0; L & lt; strlen (s); l ++) // We pass along the length of the line, and we are looking for spaces, and after everyone we measuring the word.
While (s [L]! = '')
if (s [l] == '')
P = L;
L ++;
L ++;
} While (s [l]! = ''); // Word length
kol = strlen (s) -l-p; // Word Length // P Last Space
if (KOL & GT; MAX)
L ++;
/// Max Word.
Max = KOL;
for (n; n & lt; k; n ++)
COUT & LT; & LT; S [n];
COUT & LT; & LT; "- the longest word" & lt; & lt; Endl;
Answer 1, Authority 100%
You have a difficult taste …
I would do this:
int main ()
Const int strlen = 200;
Char s [strlen];
CIN.GetLine (S, Strlen);
Size_t maxlen = 0;
char * maxidx = nullptr;
for (char * c = s; * c;)
While (* C == '') ++ C;
if (* C == 0) Break;
char * begin = c;
while (* C & amp; & amp; * c! = '') ++ C;
If (Maxlen & LT; (C - Begin))
Maxlen = C - Begin;
maxidx = begin;
if (maxlen == 0)
COUT & LT; & LT; "Empty Line! \ N";
Return 0;
* (Maxidx + maxlen) = 0;
COUT & LT; & LT; Maxidx;
Answer 2
Not sure that this will help you, here is a working code:
# include & lt; iostream & gt;
Using Namespace STD;
// Stork
char * theletter = trestring; // Here we will store the address of the next symbol since the first
unsigned counter = 0, // counting counter in the word
Storage = 0; // Here we will store the number of letters of the biggest word
While (* Theletter) {// repeat until it comes the zero symbol of the end
Theletter ++; // Increase the following address to the size of the symbol
if (* theletter! = '') // if not space
Counter ++; // Increase the counter
if (counter & gt; storage) {// if letters more than we knew before,
Storage = Counter; // then save this number
Counter = 0; // Agotum reset the counting counter
COUT & LT; & LT; Storage & LT; & lt; Endl; // result