Trying to determine the length of the transmitted vector, but always the length is defined as 8
# include & lt; iostream & gt;
#Include & lt; vector & gt;
#Include & lt; Cstddef & gt;
Using Namespace STD;
Class My String {
Vector & lt; Char & GT; STR;
MyString (Const Char X []) {
Vector & lt; Char & GT; TEMPSTR (X, X + SIZEOF (X) / SIZEOF (* x));
Void Print () {
For (int i = 0; i & lt; str.size (); i ++) {
COUT & LT; & LT; STR [i];
COUT & LT; & LT; "" & lt; & lt; endl;
Void Find (Const Char C []) {
Vector & lt; Char & GT; TEMP (C, C + SIZEOF (C) / SIZEOF (* C));
COUT & LT; & lt; temp.size () & lt; & lt; endl;
MyString Str1 ("Dasdasda");
Return 0;
Answer 1, Authority 100%
[Sighing with a monotonous voice] As you know when transmitted to the function of the array (why do you call it a vector?!) It is converted into a pointer, so
sizeof (x) / sizeof (* x)
sizeof (char *) / Sizeof (Char)
or for 64-bit applications, 8/1 = 8.
What was asked – then the compiler and answered.
If you transmit strings, it would be more logical to work with rows. But, in the end, it is possible and
mystering (const char x []): str (x, x + strlen (x) +1) {}
+1 – in case you and the zero final symbol is needed.
But it would be better for you to take the string
line, and not vector & lt; char & gt;
– much more natural and convenient.