Home computickets Bitrix component call options: Catalog.Item

Bitrix component call options: Catalog.Item




Tell me or give a link to the Bitrix documentation with the description of the Bitrix component: Catalog.Item

Interested in call parameters. Neither Google Nor Yandex Nor the search for the documentation did not show anything possible. All information – how to fix the component template. But I want to understand exactly the call parameters.

Answer 1, Authority 100%

Judging by the component code, it does not expect and does not check anything other than the availability of $ params [‘result’] transmits it to $ this- & gt; Arresult, and $ params [‘params ‘] .
He simply checks their presence and forwards to the template.

Computer-dummy component to highlight the list item in a separate template and applying it in different components.

the rest is done in the template.

class catalogitemcomponent extends cbitrixcomponent
  Public Function OnprepareComponentparams ($ Params)
    if (! Empty ($ params ['result']))
      $ this- & gt; arresult = $ params ['result'];
      Unset ($ params ['result']);
    if (! Empty ($ params ['params'])))
      $ params + = $ params ['params'];
      Unset ($ params ['params']);
    Return $ Params;
  Public Function ExecuteComponent ()
    $ this- & gt; includecompontenttemplate ();

Answer 2

Call options can be spacked in catalog.section:

& lt; div class = "col-xs-12 product-item-small-card" & gt;
            & lt; div class = "row" & gt;
              & lt; div class = "COL-XS-12 Product-Item-Big-Card" & GT;
                & lt; div class = "row" & gt;
                  & lt; div class = "col-MD-12" & gt;
                    & lt;?
                    $ item = reset ($ RowItems);
                    $ Application- & gt; includecomponent (
                      'Bitrix: Catalog.Item',
                      Array (
                        'Result' = & gt; Array (
                          'Item' = & gt; $ item,
                          'Area_id' = & gt; $ AREAIDS [$ item ['id']],
                          'Type' = & gt; $ RowData ['Type'],
                          'Big_label' = & gt; 'N',
                          'Big_discount_percent' = & gt; 'N',
                          'Big_buttons' = & gt; 'N',
                          'Scalable' = & gt; 'N'
                        'Params' = & gt; $ GeneralParams.
                          + Array ('SKU_PROPS' = & gt; $ arresult ['SKU_PROPS'] [$ item ['iblock_id']])
                      $ component,
                      Array ('Hide_icons' = & gt; 'y')
                    ? & gt;
                  & lt; / div & gt;
                & lt; / div & gt;
              & lt; / div & gt;
            & lt; / div & gt;
          & lt; / div & gt;

Component Catalog.Item is located in Bitrix / Components / Bitrix /

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