Home computickets How do I open search results links in a new tab in...

How do I open search results links in a new tab in Firefox?




I have Firefox 57. If you install the search engine ‘Google’ in your browser and click on one of the links from the search result, then the link opens in the same tab, this is wildly inconvenient. If you install the search engine ‘Yandex’ or ‘Mail.ru’ or ‘DuckDuckGo’ then the links open in a new tab, which is exactly what I need. But what about Google?

Answer 1, authority 100%

For links from search results in the Google search engine to open on a new page / tab, you need to go to settings page and tick the following box:

“Where results open” – & gt; “Open each selected result in a new browser window”.

Settings page in Russian. There you need to put a checkmark in front of

Open Results – & gt; In a new window

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