Home computickets Is there a FSIS USRR API?

Is there a FSIS USRR API?




Is there an API service for receiving data from the USRN FGIS or any other way to obtain USRN statements from the Federal Register?

Answer 1, authority 100%

Description of web services: http://pkk5.rosreestr.ru/help/pkk5_services.docx

Web services: http://pkk5.rosreestr.ru/arcgis/rest/services

Open data: https://rosreestr.ru/wps/portal/cc_ib_opendata

Description of the “Rosreestr direct access service”: http://rosreestr.ru/wps/ portal / cc_ib_documents? documentId = 1521

Web service of direct interaction provides a full cycle of rendering
state services of Rosreestr in electronic form (from the submission of a request
and informing the applicant about the progress of the service before providing
the result of the service in the form of an electronic document).

Providing information from the state real estate cadastre about
land plot in the form of a cadastral passport of the property;

Providing information from the state real estate cadastre about
land plot in the form of a cadastral extract;

Providing information from the state real estate cadastre about
territories within the cadastral quarter in the form of a cadastral plan

State cadastral registration of a land plot;

State cadastral registration of a capital object

Providing an extract from the USRR on the rights of an individual;

Providing an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the registered rights to the object
real estate (land and capital

There is also a description of the REST resources of the “Online Help” service version 0.0.2

Macro Regions


Child Region Types

http://rosreestr.ru/api/online/region_types/ {parent-id}

Example: http://rosreestr.ru/api/online/region_types/104201000000

Child regions by parent ID

http://rosreestr.ru/api/online/regions/ {parent-id}

Example: http://rosreestr.ru/api/online/regions/104201000000

Search for an object by identifier

http://rosreestr.ru/api/online/fir_object/ {object-id}

Example: http://rosreestr.ru/api/online/fir_object/2:56:30302:639

Search for objects by number

http://rosreestr.ru/api/online/fir_objects/ {number}

Example: http://rosreestr.ru/api/online/fir_objects/2:56:30302:639

Result: 0 or a set (no more than 200) of objects that satisfy the number mask.

Search for an object by region code and number of right or restriction

http://rosreestr.ru/api/right/ {region} / {number}

Example: http://rosreestr.ru/api/online/right/177/50-50-21%2F042%2F2012-234

Result: 0 or 1 object, whose right or restriction number coincided with the specified number.

Finding objects using the GET method

http://rosreestr.ru/api/online/address/fir_objects?macroRegionId=140000000000&RegionId=140281000000&street= Field & amp; house = 1

Transmitted fields. Numbers as strings:

  • macroRegionId – macro region id
  • regionId – region id
  • settlementId – settlement id

Transmitted fields. Lines:

  • settlementType – type of settlement (optional field, filters settlements by type)
  • street – street name
  • house – house number
  • apartment – apartment number
  • building – building number
  • structure – building number
  • streetType – street type (optional field)

Possible streetType values:

str1 = Street
str2 = Lane
str3 = Prospectus
str4 = Area
str5 = Neighborhood
str6 = Alley
str7 = Boulevard
str8 = Aal
str9 = Aul
str10 = Entry
str11 = Settlements
str12 = Town
str13 = Village
str14 = Road
str15 = railway stopping (passing) point
str16 = Railway booth
str17 = Railway Barracks
str18 = Railway platform
str19 = Railway station
str20 = Railway station
str21 = Railway siding
str22 = Livestock Point
str23 = Check In
str24 = Barracks
str25 = Quarter
str26 = Kilometer
str27 = Ring
str28 = Line
str29 = Township
str30 = Embankment
str31 = Locality
str32 = Island
str33 = Park
str34 = Moving
str35 = Planning area
str36 = Platform
str37 = Site
str38 = Station
str39 = Village / Station
str40 = Village type settlement
str41 = Fix
str42 = Post Office
str43 = Directions
str44 ​​= Prosek
str45 = Country road
str46 = Alley
str47 = Departure
str48 = Garden
str49 = Village
str50 = Square
str51 = Sloboda
str52 = Station
str53 = Building
str54 = Territory
str55 = Path
str56 = Dead End
str57 = Plot
str58 = Farm
str59 = Highway

Answer 2, authority 62%

If I’m not mistaken, here is API version 3.0 Beta
to work with Rosreestr in on-line mode

Authorization and methods are written, respectively, on this page

Answer 3, authority 31%

Search for objects by address – not by POST method, but by GET method. The author made a mistake in the documentation. Working example of API request:

http://rosreestr.ru/api/online/address/fir_objects?macroRegionId=140000000000&RegionId=140281000000&street= Field & amp; house = 1

Who, suddenly, will come in handy: https://github.com/KirillNaumkin/RosreestrREST – NET – either for embedding the functionality of the request to the PP services and a mini-application for testing either into your applications. The structure of the service responses is described in detail there.

Answer 4, authority 8%

Service Kadnet provides API v2 for sending requests to Rosreestr FSIS USRN https://api.kadnet.ru/

Method Documentation https://documenter.getpostman.com/view / 2625849 / kadnet-api / 6tgTfhm # intro

.Net Client https://github.com/kadnet/kadnet.apiv2.dotnet

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