Home computickets Outputting a string in MATLAB using the fprintf function

Outputting a string in MATLAB using the fprintf function




Hello, tell me, please. I created a matrix

b = 250: -50: 50
a = linspace (-27.53.5)
w = [a; b]

and now I need to output it using fprintf with the general title MatrixW: . I’m trying to do it this way

fprintf ('MatrixW:% d;% d;% d;% d;% d \ r \ n', w )

Answer 1, authority 100%

There is a problem here more important than the heading: fprintf gathers matrix elements column by column , not row by row. As a consequence, the matrix

- 27 -7 13 33 53
250 200 150 100 50

is output as

MatrixW: -27; 250; -7; 200; 13
MatrixW: 150; 33; 100; 53; 50

which is hardly acceptable. Replace w with w '.

By design, the fprintf command generates and prints a string over and over again as long as there is data to output. Therefore, if the title should not be repeated, it should be displayed separately. For example:

disp ('MatrixW:'); fprintf ('% d;% d;% d;% d;% d \ n', w ');

Answer 2

disp ('MatrixW:');
fprintf ('% d;% d;% d;% d;% d \ n', w ');

this is already a crutch. not only are the columns and rows confused, but also to write more.
when given:

A = [1 2; 3 4];
B = [5 6; 7 8];
C = A + B;

it’s easier:

disp ('Sum of A and B:');
disp (B);

there is another option as disp (sprintf ('matrix% g% g \ n', A));
but it also messed up with rows and columns: /

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