After the introduction of the ssi technology on the site, a 508 error began to appear in the browser – Resource Limit Is Reached. The website is temporarily unable to service your request as it exceeded resource limit. Please try again later.
The hoster is talking about some kind of heavy load on the processor.
Even 2-3 (!) People on the site, simultaneously viewing pages that are generated from ssi, allegedly cause a significant load on the processor.
I see the following lines in the logs:
2019/03/05 23:59:52 [error] 1184936 # 1184936: * 43041197 subrequests cycle while processing “/css/telefoniya.html” while sending to client, client:, server: la-la, request: “GET /css/print.css HTTP / 2.0”, subrequest: “/css/counters.html”, upstream: “ “, host: “”, referrer: “https: / / “
The telefoniya.html and counters.html files are just ssi inserts.
In the first – an online telephony script that did not cause any errors, being just a part of a static html code.
counters.html is, respectively, the code of counters installed on the site.
The page code is simply “split” into the following blocks: static – common to all pages of the site.
Tell me, is ssi really such a resource-intensive technology? I read that it is “lighter” than php.
Is there a way to “beat” this 508 error?
Thank you.
Answer 1
The problem was just a lot of these ssi.
I have combined 4 of them in a row into one. And the problem was solved.
And the pages started loading very quickly, and the error, pah-pah, disappeared.
Pages open at least as fast as static files written in html. Or even faster, subjectively.