Home computickets tact as a unit of measure

tact as a unit of measure




We are discussing with colleagues to a funny simple question: what is the processor work tact?
Wikipedia clarifies:

In the very first approximation, the clock frequency characterizes the performance of the subsystem (processor, memory, etc.), that is, the number of operations performed per second.

Two options are discussed:

  • Change bit value (single)
  • assembler operation (above the bar)

Thank you!

Answer 1, Authority 100%

Take work – this is the clock of work, i.e. The time interval between two adjacent “peaks” of a certain task signal. Alas, without it can not do, because Schemes We have digital and we need to fix the status of the signals.
Physically, the change in bits and the execution of the tact commands is indirect. First, different processor blocks operate at different frequency. But if we consider the simplest case, then one team is carried out at least for one clock of the work of the executive Wen. All multiplication or division types can be performed for hundreds of clocks. Secondly, communication with the outside world in the processor occurs through tires, for example, the data bus. This tire has a bit, for example, 64 bits. Again, in the simplest case, we can transfer the number of time for the unit of time for this tire per unit of time. Those. For tact you can make one transmission, while all 64 bits are transmitted at the same time

I will explain again that “the number of clocks” is essentially a unit of time measurement.
Communication with time via frequency:

& lt; time & gt; = & lt; frequency & gt; * & lt; Number of clocks & gt;

Answer 2, Authority 67%

If we talk about the processor’s clock – this is

The gap between the two pulses of the clock generator

We were taught at the university. When the calculator was developed in the schemes, the signal was pulse .., and I agree with @avp

But if you answer the question of Tact as a unit of measure This is:

Separate stage (temporal interval) of any cyclic process

And here it does not matter, one operation is performed, or a set of operations, 1 bits or several bits change.

Answer 3, Authority 11%

The clock generator (clock pulse generator) generates electrical pulses of a given frequency (usually rectangular shapes) to synchronize various processes in computer digital devices.
The clock pulses are often used as a reference frequency – counting their quantity, for example, measuring time intervals.

GTC is needed that the multiple processes of the same processor are used in series, first set the address of the command to the address bus, then through 2 clock reading data from the data bus, after 80 clocks execution of a read command and so on.

The number of clocks produced by the generator from the moment of power supply (enveling the computer) is stored in a special meter, which can be read.

Rectangular Pulse Scheme

Answer 4

I think

Assembler operation (above a number of bits)

This is a sequential operation (we consider in the context of a single-core machine), because we come to the definition that the clock frequency is the number of operations performed per second. Although if the operation on a bit is taken for 1 clock (for example, multiplication) – it means the number of bytes in this operation is not taken into account

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