Home computickets Visual Studio 2017 Remote Debugging

Visual Studio 2017 Remote Debugging




To debug Visual Studio 2015 applications deployed to other computers, I used the Remote Debugger Visual Studio 2015 . Now, I decided to switch to Visual Studio 2017 , everything is successful, the projects are working and everything is going. But I can’t find a remote debugger for the new version of the development environment, where can I find it? This functionality is not yet available? In the VS2017 itself there are the items Debug = & gt; Attach to Process ... but where to get the debugger itself, for installation on the server?

Found debugging utilities on MSDN for 2012, 2013 and 2015 versions only: Remote Debugging

For reference, Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise Edition installed
A remote server where the remote debugger for VS2015 was previously installed and successfully paired with it: Microsoft Windows Server 2012

Answer 1, authority 100%

The menu item was not created during installation. But the debugger was found in the same place as in previous versions – along the path C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio \ 2017 \ Enterprise \ Common7 \ IDE \ Remote Debugger \ x64 (and respectively x86-version side by side). He himself is, just a shortcut is not created. It is enough to copy the x64 / x86 folder to the remote machine and run the msvsmon.exe

file with administrator rights

Answer 2, authority 20%

After a long search on MSDN for the remote debugger for Visual Studio 2017 , I found one rather interesting article: Remote Debugging published November 4, 2016. There is an item: Download and Install the Remote Tools is exactly what you need. Follow the link to the page Visual Studio Downloads , there we find the item: Tools for Visual Studio 2017 , expand the list and find Remote Tools for Visual Studio 2017 and download the debugger of the required version by clicking on the Download button opposite the menu item.

Search through search engines Google and Yandex did not give any results, I could only find it in an internal search MSDN . I hope this question and answer will be helpful to other contributors.

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