Hello everyone. Opened Notepad ++. There is an option to convert to ANSI. It is not clear what is meant by ANSI encoding in this program, because such encoding does not seem to exist. As far as I know ANSI is the unofficial generic name for encodings windows 1251, windows 1252, ascii (7bit). So what encoding will the text be converted to?
Answer 1, authority 100%
On Windows, ANSI codepage usually refers to the “system” encoding. It is used for non-unicode programs (and seems to be for non-unicode filesystems). For the standard American version, this is CP 1252, for the Russian version – CP 1251.
Although the name refers to the ANSI standard, it really has nothing to do with the standard.
Most often this is single-byte encoding, but for some systems (eg Japanese) this is MBCS .
A distinction should be made between ANSI encoding (used for non-Unicode Windows programs) and OEM encoding (used for non-Unicode DOS programs, in the case of Russian Windows it is CP 866).
Answer 2, authority 67%
See the answer to your question in the official documentation.
Answer 3
As far as I know ANSI is the unofficial generic name for encodings windows 1251, windows 1252, ascii (7bit). So what encoding will the text be converted to?
As far as I remember, there is meant a common part of them. That is, single-byte encoding, with all codes up to 128. Everything outside this area will turn into questions.