Home computickets What is the difference between logical or from excluding or?

What is the difference between logical or from excluding or?




I can not understand what is the difference between the logical or from excluding or?

Answer 1, Authority 100%

In general, this can be described by the following truth tables:

Tatac of truth for logical or:

a b a or b

0 0 & nbsp; & nbsp; 0 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

0 1 & nbsp; & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

1 0 & nbsp; & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

1 1 & nbsp; & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

Trial Table for excluding or:

a b a xor b

0 0 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 0 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp ;

0 & nbsp; & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp ;

1 0 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp ;

1 & nbsp; & nbsp; 0 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp ;

If you explain on your fingers, then the logical or will be true when at least one of the operands is truth. Excluding or will be true if the operands are not equal, and a lie, if the operands are equal.

Answer 2, Authority 17%

Easy Remember: XOR gives zero when there is no alternative (0-0, 1-1)

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