Home computickets What to do to prevent vk from blocking the following link?

What to do to prevent vk from blocking the following link?




There is a site on the home computer (ip white dynamic) and configured dynamic dns . The problem is that if I forward such a link through vk.com, it blocks the transition with the message

Potentially Malicious Link

The link you tried to follow leads to a site located on free hosting.

Such sites are usually used by spammers and scammers to redirect to potentially dangerous sites, and may also contain viruses.

VKontakte always cares about your safety!

Moreover, this message does not even have a button for forced transition:

What can be done to prevent vk from blocking the transition?

Complete sequence of actions:

  1. There is a link via noip , like this: http://smth.ddns.net: 5157 (the name is smth not real).
  2. Forward it via private messages in vk.
  3. There it will be changed as standard to https://vk.com/away.php?to=http%3A%2F%2Fsmth.ddns.net%3A5157&cc_key=
  4. When following such a link, a stub is placed instead of a redirect.

Answer 1

You can use a link shortener, but one that is not blocked by vk.

I personally used https://goo.gl , but it will be closed soon. And it is also worth noting that in some cases Google itself may not like such links (for example, it blocked a similar link from * .redirectme.net itself).

Answer 2

There is an option to create a page in GitHub Pages and redirect using JavaScript:

& lt;! DOCTYPE html & gt;
& lt; html lang = "en" & gt;
& lt; head & gt;
  & lt; meta charset = "UTF-8" & gt;
  & lt; title & gt; REDIRECT Title & lt; / title & gt;
& lt; / head & gt;
& lt; body & gt;
& lt; div & gt; & lt; span & gt; Redirecting ... & lt; / span & gt; & lt; / div & gt;
& lt; script & gt;
  setTimeout (function () {
    document.location.href = "YOUR_REDIRECT_URI"
  }, 3)
& lt; / script & gt;
& lt; / body & gt;
& lt; / html & gt;
  1. Create GitHub Repository
  2. Activate GitHub Pages in Settings
  3. Create an index.html file with content as in the top listing

A link to a page in GitHub Pages can be viewed there in the settings.

I did this with heroku

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