Home computickets When trying to execute the GULP command through the terminal writes -Bash:...

When trying to execute the GULP command through the terminal writes -Bash: Gulp: Command Not Found




When trying to execute the gulp command through the terminal writes: -Bash: Gulp: Command Not Found

That’s what was removed before when the Gulp is local:

npm warn [email protected] no description
NPM WARN [email protected] No Repository Field.
MacBook-Air-Andrej: Maxxigento_t Andrejdanickin $ Gulp
-Bash: Gulp: Command Not Found
MacBook-Air-Andrej: Maxxigento_t Andrejdanickin $ NPM Install Gulp
NPM Warn Deprecated [email protected]: Graceful-FS Version 3 And Before Releases. Please update to graceful-fs@^4.0.0 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
NPM WARN Deprecated [email protected]: Lodash @ & lt; 3.0.0 IS No Longer Maintained. Upgrade to Lodash@^4.0.0.
NPM WARN Deprecated [email protected]: Graceful-FS Version 3 and Before Releases. Please update to graceful-fs@^4.0.0 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
NPM WARN [email protected] NO Description
NPM WARN [email protected] No Repository Field.
MacBook-Air-Andrej: Maxxigento_t Andrejdanickin $ NPM Install Gulp --Save-Dev
NPM Warn Deprecated [email protected]: Graceful-FS Version 3 And Before Releases. Please update to graceful-fs@^4.0.0 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
NPM WARN Deprecated [email protected]: Lodash @ & lt; 3.0.0 IS No Longer Maintained. Upgrade to Lodash@^4.0.0.
NPM WARN Deprecated [email protected]: Graceful-FS Version 3 and Before Releases. Please update to graceful-fs@^4.0.0 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
NPM WARN [email protected] NO Description
NPM WARN [email protected] No Repository Field.
MacBook-Air-Andrej: Maxxigento_t Andrejdanickin $ Gulp
-Bash: Gulp: Command Not Found

Answer 1, Authority 100%

Finally found a solution !!!

To give you a little context: I ran the following command to install Gulp (Node Package Module) Globally:

npm install -g gulp

Installation is successful, but when I launched this Gulp command in the command line, I got a mistake.

Gulp: Command Not Found

It turned out that it is set “sip” in my local directory that / Users / YourUSERNAME / NODE_MODULES , and not in the global folder NPM .

You can check it out by following commands:

npm root or npm root -g

who returned my personal directory / Users / YourUSERNAME / NODE_MODULES , and not expected / usr / local / lib / node_modules .

After a few samples and mistakes, I finally found a solution. You must change “NPM configuration prefix” as follows:

npm config set prefix / usr / local

later, when I ran NPM root -g , I got the desired root folder: / usr / local / lib / node_modules

When I re-Gulp globally (with -g Param), he finally worked and it turned out that it was now correctly installed in the global folder of the NPM. Yeaye!

Thank you all for the support and desire to help!

Answer 2

Gulp should be installed and globally and locally.

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