Home computickets Why does not the CNC Bitrix?

Why does not the CNC Bitrix?




For some reason it does not work on the online catalog, sin on the CNC.
index file directory:

& lt;? Require ($ _ SERVER [ "DOCUMENT_ROOT"] "/ bitrix / header.php".);
if ($ APPLICATION- & gt; GetCurDir () == "/ shop / catalog /")
  // localRedirect ( '/ shop / catalog / section / vse /');
  $ PageCur = $ APPLICATION- & gt; GetCurUri ();
  $ PageNew = str_replace ( "/ shop / catalog /", "", $ pageCur);
  // echo $ pageNew;
? & gt;
& Lt;? $ APPLICATION- & gt; IncludeComponent (
  "Bitrix: catalog",
  Array (
    "IBLOCK_TYPE" = & gt; "Catalog",
    "IBLOCK_ID" = & gt; "7"
    "SEF_MODE" = & gt; "Y",
    "SEF_FOLDER" = & gt; "/ Shop / catalog /",
    "SEF_URL_TEMPLATES" = & gt; Array (
      "Sections" = & gt; "",
      "Section" = & gt; "Section / # SECTION_CODE # /",
      "Element" = & gt; "# ELEMENT_CODE # /",
      "Compare" = & gt; "Compare.php? Action = # ACTION_CODE #",
      "Smart_filter" = & gt; "# SECTION_CODE_PATH # / filter / # SMART_FILTER_PATH # / apply /",
);? & gt;
& Lt;? Require ($ _ SERVER [ "DOCUMENT_ROOT"] "/ bitrix / footer.php".);? & Gt;

Settings IB

& lt;? Php
$ ArUrlRewrite = array (
 0 = & gt;
 array (
  'CONDITION' = & gt; '# ^ / Bitrix / services / ymarket / ([\\ w \\ d \\ -] +) (/) (([\\ w \\ d \\ -] +) (/)?)??? # '
  'RULE' = & gt; 'REQUEST_OBJECT = $ 1 & amp; METHOD = $ 4'
  'ID' = & gt; ''
  'PATH' = & gt; '/Bitrix/services/ymarket/index.php',
  'SORT' = & gt; 100,
 1 = & gt;
 array (
  'CONDITION' = & gt; '# ^ / Personal / history-of-orders / #',
  'RULE' = & gt; ''
  'ID' = & gt; 'Bitrix: sale.personal.order',
  'PATH' = & gt; '/Personal/history-of-orders/index.php',
  'SORT' = & gt; 100,
 2 = & gt;
 array (
  'CONDITION' = & gt; '# ^ / Contacts / stores / #',
  'RULE' = & gt; ''
  'ID' = & gt; 'Bitrix: news',
  'PATH' = & gt; '/Contacts/stores/index.php',
  'SORT' = & gt; 100,
 3 = & gt;
 array (
  'CONDITION' = & gt; '# ^ / Contacts / stores / #',
  'RULE' = & gt; ''
  'ID' = & gt; 'Bitrix: catalog.store',
  'PATH' = & gt; '/Contacts/stores/index.php',
  'SORT' = & gt; 100,
 4 = & gt;
 array (
  'CONDITION' = & gt; '# ^ / Personal / order / #',
  'RULE' = & gt; ''
  'ID' = & gt; 'Bitrix: sale.personal.order',
  'PATH' = & gt; '/Personal/order/index.php',
  'SORT' = & gt; 100,
 5 = & gt;
 array (
  'CONDITION' = & gt; '# ^ / Info / articles / #',
  'RULE' = & gt; ''
  'ID' = & gt; 'Bitrix: news',
  'PATH' = & gt; '/Info/articles/index.php',
  'SORT' = & gt; 100,
 19 = & gt;
 array (
  'CONDITION' = & gt; '# ^ / Shop / catalog / #',
  'RULE' = & gt; ''
  'ID' = & gt; 'Bitrix: catalog',
  'PATH' = & gt; '/Shop/index.php',
  'SORT' = & gt; 100,
 7 = & gt;
 array (
  'CONDITION' = & gt; '# ^ / Info / article / #',
  'RULE' = & gt; ''
  'ID' = & gt; 'Bitrix: news',
  'PATH' = & gt; '/Info/article/index.php',
  'SORT' = & gt; 100,
 8 = & gt;
 array (
  'CONDITION' = & gt; '# ^ / Info / brands / #',
  'RULE' = & gt; ''
  'ID' = & gt; 'Bitrix: news',
  'PATH' = & gt; '/Info/brands/index.php',
  'SORT' = & gt; 100,
 9 = & gt;
 array (
  'CONDITION' = & gt; '# ^ / Info / brand / #',
  'RULE' = & gt; ''
  'ID' = & gt; 'Bitrix: news',
  'PATH' = & gt; '/Info/brand/index.php',
  'SORT' = & gt; 100,
 10 = & gt;
 array (
  'CONDITION' = & gt; '# ^ / Services / #',
  'RULE' = & gt; ''
  'ID' = & gt; 'Bitrix: news',
  'PATH' = & gt; '/Services/index.php',
  'SORT' = & gt; 100,
 11 = & gt;
 array (
  'CONDITION' = & gt; '# ^ / Products / #',
  'RULE' = & gt; ''
  'ID' = & gt; 'Bitrix: catalog',
  'PATH' = & gt; '/Products/index.php',
  'SORT' = & gt; 100,
 12 = & gt;
 array (
  'CONDITION' = & gt; '# ^ / Article / #',
  'RULE' = & gt; ''
  'ID' = & gt; 'Bitrix: news',
  'PATH' = & gt; '/Article/index.php',
  'SORT' = & gt; 100,
 13 = & gt;
 array (
  'CONDITION' = & gt; '# ^ / Catalog / #',
  'RULE' = & gt; ''
  'ID' = & gt; 'Bitrix: catalog', 
'Path' = & gt; '/catalog/index.php',
  'Sort' = & gt; 100,
 14 = & gt;
 Array (
  'Condition' = & gt; '# ^ / blog / #',
  'Rule' = & gt; ''
  'Id' = & gt; 'Bitrix: Blog',
  'Path' = & gt; '/blog/index.php',
  'Sort' = & gt; 100,
 15 = & gt;
 Array (
  'Condition' = & gt; '# ^ / sale / #',
  'Rule' = & gt; ''
  'Id' = & gt; 'Bitrix: News',
  'Path' = & gt; '/sale/index.php',
  'Sort' = & gt; 100,
 16 = & gt;
 Array (
  'Condition' = & gt; '# ^ / news / #',
  'Rule' = & gt; ''
  'Id' = & gt; 'Bitrix: News',
  'Path' = & gt; '/news/index.php',
  'Sort' = & gt; 100,
 18 = & gt;
 Array (
  'Condition' = & gt; '# ^ / Rest / #',
  'Rule' = & gt; ''
  'Id' = & gt; NULL
  'Path' = & gt; '/Bitrix/Services/Rest/Index.php',
  'Sort' = & gt; 100,
 17 = & gt;
 Array (
  'Condition' = & gt; '# ^ / BUY / #',
  'Rule' = & gt; ''
  'Id' = & gt; 'Bitrix: News',
  'Path' = & gt; '/buy/index.php',
  'Sort' = & gt; 100,

Answer 1

First urlrewrite.php

19 = & gt;
 Array (
  'Condition' = & gt; '# ^ / Shop / Catalog / #',
  'Rule' = & gt; ''
  'Id' = & gt; 'Bitrix: Catalog',
  'Path' = & gt; '/shop/index.php',
  'Sort' = & gt; 100,

Here the Condition key points to / shop / catalog / , and the executable file in /shop/index.php ? May correct will be like this:

19 = & gt;
 Array (
  'Condition' = & gt; '# ^ / Shop / Catalog / #',
  'Rule' = & gt; ''
  'Id' = & gt; 'Bitrix: Catalog',
  'Path' = & gt; '/shop/catalog/index.php',
  'Sort' = & gt; 100,

Next, the file itself /shop/catalog/index.php in which you now have this:

$ application- & gt; includecomponent (
  "Bitrix: Catalog",
  Array (
    "Iblock_type" = & gt; "Catalog",
    "Iblock_id" = & gt; "7",
    "SEF_MODE" = & gt; "Y",
    "SEF_FOLDER" = & gt; "/ SHOP / CATALOG /",
    "SEF_URL_TEMPLATES" = & gt; Array (
      "sections" = & gt; "",
      "Section" = & gt; "Section / # send_code # /",
      "Element" = & gt; "# Element_code # /",
      "Compare" = & gt; "compare.php? action = # Action_code #",
      "Smart_Filter" = & gt; "# Section_code_path # / filter / # Smart_Filter_path # / Apply /",

Ways exactly faithful and so you need?
It is more correct:

"sef_url_templates" = & gt; Array (
      "sections" = & gt; "",
      "Section" = & gt; "# Section_code # /", // or "# section_code_path # /",
      "Element" = & gt; "#Section_code # / # element_code # /", // or "#SECCODE_PATH # / # element_code # /"

Answer 2

If the CNC does not work:

  1. Check that in the CNC settings in the info.
  2. Check the setting in the
  3. component

  4. Check URLREWRITE.php

In UrLrewrite.php, there must be an entry and specify the actual file.

on CNC settings in component and info:

If you glue the “CNC CNC” and “section page” and from the component parameters, you must have a “section page section” from the information block parameters, only without macro # Site_Dir #. We have it there and here “/ Novosti / # saveion_code # /”, everything is right.


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