Home golang How to assign Middleware MUX only to one Handler only?

How to assign Middleware MUX only to one Handler only?




How to assign Middleware MUX only to one Handler only?

func (s * server) configurerouter () {
  S.Router.HandleFunc ("/ Signup", S.HandleSignUp ()). Methods ("Post")
  S.Router.Handlefunc ("/ Signin", S.HandleSignin ()). Methods ("Post")
  S.Router.HandleFunc ("/ profile / {ID: [0-9] +}", s .hylecreateprofile ()). Methods ("POST")
  S.ROUTER.USE (S.AuthenticateUser)

There is a picture of how to make authenticateUser called only with "/ profile / {ID: [0-9] +}" ?

Answer 1, Authority 100%

You need to create Subrouted from the main router. Handler and MidDleWareFunc

In your case, it turns out how

func (s * server) configurerouter () {
  S.Router.HandleFunc ("/ Signup", S.HandleSignUp ()). Methods ("Post")
  S.Router.Handlefunc ("/ Signin", S.HandleSignin ()). Methods ("Post")
  Subrouter: = s.router.handlefunc ("/ profile / {ID: [0-9] +}", s.handlecreateprofile ()). subroute ()
  Subrouter.use (S.AuthenticateUser)
  subrouter.methods ("POST")

Test example

  Router: = Mux.Newrouter ()
  Router.HandleFunc ("/ Signup", Func (http.ResponseWriter, * http.request) {
    PrintLN ("Signup")
  }). Methods ("POST")
  Router.HandleFunc ("/ Signin", Func (http.ResponseWriter, * http.request) {
    PrintLN ("Signin")
  }). Methods ("POST")
  Subrouter: = Router.HandleFunc ("/ Profile", Func (W http.ResponseWriter, R * http.request) {
    PrintLN ("42")
  }). Subrouter ()
  subrouter.use (Func (H Http.Handler) http.Handler {
    Return http.HandlerFunc (Func (W http.ResponseWriter, R * http.request) {
      w.Write ([] BYTE ("Custom Message"))
  subrouter.methods ("POST")
  SRV: = & amp; http.server {
    Handler: Router,
    ADDR: "",
    WritetimeOut: 15 * Time.second,
    ReadTimeout: 15 * Time.second,
  log.fatal (srv.listenandServe ())

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