Home html Changing the style of one div block when hovering mouse to another...

Changing the style of one div block when hovering mouse to another div block




Have the main div-block with “Background: #FFF” (Div1).
Inside this block there are two other Div blocks:
Div11 – picture with filter “GRAYSCALE: 100%” (black and white) and
Div12 – text with the “Display: None” style (text is hidden).

Total we have such a structure:

& lt; div class = "div1" & gt; Block with Background: #FFF
    & lt; div class = "div11" & gt; 100% & LT; / div & gt picture with GRAYSCALE filter;
    & lt; div class = "div12" & gt; Text with the style of Display: None & LT; / Div & GT;
& lt; / div & gt;

It is necessary to make it so that when you hover the mouse on the main div1-block, 3 processes occurred:

  1. changed the color of the background in the Div1 block.
  2. In the Div11 block, the GRAYScale filter was 0%.
  3. In the Div12 style, the Display: block.

i.e. It should work like this:

& lt; div class = "div1" & gt; Background: # F00
      & lt; div class = "div11" & gt; Picture with GRAYScale 0% & LT; / div & gt filter;
      & lt; div class = "div12" & gt; Text with Display: Block & Lt; / Div & GT;
  & lt; / div & gt;

How to do it?
How to make hover single block specify style for other blocks?

Thanks in advance.

Answer 1, Authority 100%

Suddenly, I painted me:

div1: hover {
Background: # F00;
Div1: Hover Div11 {
-WebKit-Filter: GRAYScale (0%);
-MOZ-Filter: GRAYScale (0%);
-MS-filter: grayscale (0%);
-O-Filter: GRAYScale (0%);
Filter: None;
Div1: Hover Div12 {
Display: Block;

Answer 2, Authority 100%



& lt; div class = "div1" & gt;
  & lt; div class = "div11" & gt; & lt; img src = "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-kfmqj_gnfqi/txhbpiguhni/aaaaaaaabu/lfkf147j_pc/s150-c/photo.jpg" alt = "" / & gt; & lt; / div & gt;
   & lt; div class = "div12" & gt; Text with the style of Display: None & lt; / div & gt;
& lt; / div & gt;


div {}
.div1 {
  Background: #FFF;
  Border: 1px Solid # 000;
.div11 img {
  -WebKit-Filter: GRAYScale (100%);
.div12 {
  Display: None;
.div1: hover {
  Background: #CCC;
.div1: hover img {
  -WebKit-Filter: GRAYSCALE (0);
.div1: hover .div12 {
  Display: Block;
  / * Color: #FFF; * /
  Font-Size: 16px;

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