read , It says that CSS styles do not need to be connected in the Head
& lt; link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "/ base.css" & gt;
& lt; style Type = "text / css" & gt; & lt; / style & gt;
then how can I connect styles (for example, for the % B5-% D0% B7% D0% B0% D0% B4% D0% B0% D0% BD% D0% B8% D0% B5-% D0% B4% D0% BB% D1% 8F-% D0% 92% D0% B5% D1% 80% D1% 81% D1% 82% D0% B0% D0% BA% D0% B0? NODE-ID = 1% 3A2 ).
Answer 1
The post was mentioned a little about another. Do not connect styles in HEAD or BODY. HTML tag still remains as a connection option. In any case, this is not a rule, but only the Council to develop to order. Thus, you can simply connect styles in the & lt tag; html & gt; & lt; / html & gt;
Answer 2
Did you read what was above this sentence? To maximize adaptation under all postal clients you need to use inline-styles. Thus, of course, it is inconvenient, so you can chase as usual through the connection of external styles, and when it is ready, then use This tool for converting your styles in Inline