as advised, in Laiaut \ Maine registered
& lt; link rel = "shortcut icon" href = "& lt;? php echo yii :: app () - & gt; Request- & gt; baseurl ;? & gt; /images/favicon.ico "type =" image / x-icon "/ & gt;
threw a folder icon.
But I saw nothing. As possible in CSS somewhere else to see what is going?
In the source code I see
& lt; link type = "image / x-icon" href = "/ yiiproj / images / favicon.ico" REL = "Shortcut Icon" & GT;
I have – the picture appeared only in chrome. In FF and I have it. Perhaps the problem is that I am on a local server (OPENERER)?
Answer 1, Authority 100%
Try to specify so.
& lt; link rel = "shortcut icon" href = "../ images / favicon.ico" type = " image / x-icon "/ & gt;