Home html How can I disable the selection of text?

How can I disable the selection of text? [duplicate]




How can I prevent the selection of text in a specific element?

Answer 1, authority 100%

Cross-browser solution:

. unselectable {
 -webkit-touch-callout: none; / * iOS Safari * /
 -webkit-user-select: none; / * Chrome / Safari / Opera * /
 -khtml-user-select: none; / * Konqueror * /
 -moz-user-select: none; / * Firefox * /
 -ms-user-select: none; / * Internet Explorer / Edge * /
 user-select: none; / * Non-prefixed version, currently
                 not supported by any browser * /
& lt; p & gt;
 Selectable text.
& lt; / p & gt;
& lt; p class = "unselectable" & gt;
 Unselectable text.
& lt; / p & gt; 

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