There is a question of how to parse HTML pages on Python or rather here is a link to the page: https: // .
It is necessary to poore this piece of code:
& lt; div class = "threedmodels_models_list__elem__title" & gt;
& lt; a href = "" title = "" & gt;
Coffee makers horn filter holder.
& lt; / a & gt;
& lt; / div & gt;
I do not understand how to spar tag text & lt; A & GT;
Answer 1
You needed to use Requests and BS4
import requests
From BS4 Import Beautifulsoup
R = Requests.get ('')
Soup = Beautifulsoup (R.Text, 'HTML.PARSER')
Element = Soup.find_all ('Div', class _ = 'threedmodels_models_list__elem__str')
Elem_Soup = Beautifulsoup (STR (Element [1]), 'HTML.PARSER')
title = elem_soup.find_all ('A') [2] .text
Print (Title)
Coffee maker horn filter holder.
Reply to the comment to get headlines 18 elements, you need to add a cycle
for index in range (18):
elem_soup = Beautifulsoup (Element [Index]), 'HTML.PARSER')
title = elem_soup.find_all ('A') [2] .text
Print (Title)
Answer 2
Popular Library for XML and HTML Parsing.
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