Home html How to prevent word wrapping in class in CSS

How to prevent word wrapping in class in CSS




I have a style in CSS that I use to cover the phrase I need (usually 2 words). I want these two words not to be separated by a line break.

For example,

... blah blah blah & lt; span class = "class1" & gt; two words & lt; / span & gt; blah blah blah blah ...

Suppose, after the word “two”, I should have a line break (because it ends), but in this case, I want the transfer to take place BEFORE the word “two”, that is, the phrase “two words” is transferred immediately.

Word-wrap is spelled out globally for the document: break-word;

Answer 1, authority 100%

Use white-space: nowrap for an element that shouldn’t have word wrapping.

. class1 {white-space: nowrap}
.class1: hover {white-space: normal}
div {word-wrap: break-word; width: 130px; border: solid} 
& lt; div & gt;. blah blah blah & lt; span class = "class1" & gt; two the words & lt; / span & gt; blah blah blah blah ... & lt; / div & gt; 

Answer 2, authority 50%

CSS option: add white-space: nowrap to the span that you wrap the phrase with.

Option with HTML: use nobr tag instead of span .

Answer 3

To do this, it is enough to use non-breaking spaces when writing, & amp; nbsp; that is, it will look something like this:

& lt; span class = "class1" & gt; two & amp; nbsp; words & lt; / span & gt;

Another option, if this is user data and you are using PHP, then you can do the following magic with the passed string:

$ string = str_replace ('', '& amp; nbsp;', $ string);

Thus, all spaces in the transmitted string will be replaced with non-breaking problems.

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