Home html How to remove dots from & lt; li & gt;

How to remove dots from & lt; li & gt;




How can I remove this (in an unordered list & lt; li & gt; ):

Answer 1, authority 100%

The list-style-type style property with the value none is used for this purpose:

li {
 list-style-type: none;
 / * Remove markers * /
ul {
 margin-left: 0;
 / * Left indent in IE and Opera browser * /
 padding-left: 0;
 / * Left indent in Firefox, Safari, Chrome * /
& lt; ul & gt;
 & lt; li & gt; North & lt; / li & gt;
 & lt; li & gt; South & lt; / li & gt;
 & lt; li & gt; West & lt; / li & gt;
 & lt; li & gt; East & lt; / li & gt;
& lt; / ul & gt; 

Answer 2

You can do the same thing more gracefully:

li {
 display: inline-block;

This will be inline-block display, the markers will go away. You can just apply inline.

Or you can leave the list in a block and remove markers:

li {
 display: block;

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