Need to perform such a thing. In the screen header there should be a logo as in the screenshot
Now I have done it so, disabled ActionBar
in the markup divided LinNearl
to parts by weight and here is the top in which it costs the logo takes 10% of the screen in which I put the picture Logo. I’m new to it so))
Now I want to redo. As far as I understood now the most flexible look in this regard is Toolbar
. The question is what, you need to put in the middle of Toolbar
, so that it happened as on the screen … I did not find any example in which the image would be in Toolbar
with the ability to adjust position of this image in it …
who worked with Toolbar
Can you tell me if this is done and if so how?
Answer 1, Authority 100%
Agree that:
“If the second option, then use toolbar for these purposes
no sense, he has another user, let him still remain like
Now, quite a normal solution. “
But if you need to do it, for example, so:
Main Activities:
Import android.os.Bundle;
Import android.Support.v7.widget.Toolbar;
Public Class MainActivity Extends AppCompatactivity {
PROTECTED VOID OnCreate (Bundle SavedInstanceState) {
Super.ONCREATE (SavedInstanceState);
setContentView (R.Layout.Activity_Main);
SetSupportactionBar ((Toolbar) FindViewByID (R.ID.Tool_Bar));
Marking Main Activity:
& lt; xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & gt;
& lt; linearlayout XMLNS: Android = ""
XMLNS: Tools = ""
Android: Orientation = "Vertical"
Android: layout_width = "Match_Parent"
Android: Layout_Height = "Match_Parent"
Tools: context = "com.vitaliy.testtoolbar.mainactivity" & gt;
& lt; include
layout = "@ layout / tool_bar"
/ & gt;
& lt; TextView
Android: layout_width = "wrap_content"
Android: layout_height = "wrap_content"
Android: Text = "Hello World!" / & gt;
& lt; / linearlayout & gt;
and markup for the Toolbar itself: (tool_bar.xml)
& lt; xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & gt;
& lt; Android.Support.v7.Widget.Toolbar XMLNS: Android = ""
XMLNS: App = ""
XMLNS: Tools = ""
Android: id = "@ + id / tool_bar"
Android: layout_width = "Match_Parent"
Android: layout_height = "wrap_content"
Android: background = "@ color / colorprimarydark" & gt;
& lt; relativeLayout
Android: layout_width = "Match_Parent"
Android: layout_height = "wrap_content"
Android: Gravity = "Center"
& gt;
& lt; imageview
Android: paddingtop = "15dp"
Android: paddingbottom = "15dp"
App: srccompat = "@ Drawable / Ic_android_24dp"
Tools: ignore = "MissingPrefix"
Android: layout_width = "wrap_content"
Android: layout_height = "wrap_content"
/ & gt;
& lt; / relativeLayout & gt;
& lt; />
And you need to not forget to check, so that the topic does not contain Akshnbar
& lt; style name = "apptheme" parent = "theme.appcompat.light.noactionbar" & gt;
Toolbar is used as a regular ViewGroup. And I still listened to the Council, who gave you “pavlofff” in the comments to the question!