Home java How do I find the minimum value in an array in Java?

How do I find the minimum value in an array in Java?




There is an array of numbers [1,4, -2,3].
How do I find the minimum value in an array ??

Answer 1, authority 100%

In any way, like this:

var nums = new int [] {1, 4, -2, 3};
  var min = Arrays.stream (nums) .min ();
  System.out.println (min.isPresent ()? Min.getAsInt (): "empty array");

or like this:

var nums = new int [] {1, 4, -2, 3};
  var min = Collections.min (Arrays.stream (nums) .boxed (). collect (Collectors.toList ()));
  System.out.println (min);

or like this:

var nums = new int [] {1, 4, -2, 3};
  var min = nums [0];
  for (int num: nums) {
    if (num & lt; min) {
      min = num;
  System.out.println (min);

Answer 2

I would do it in a more understandable way:

int min = a [0] + 1;
for (int i = 0; i & lt; mass.length; i ++) {
  if (a [i] & lt; min) {
    min = a [i];
System.out.println (min);

We go through the array, each element is compared with the smallest one.

Answer 3

Another method.

int [] mass = {1,2,3-1};
int [] mass2 = mass.clone ();
Arrays.sort (mass2);
System.out.println (mass2 [0]);

It is possible without cloning, if the original array is not needed

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