Home java How to find out the groupid and artifactid created in idea jar?

How to find out the groupid and artifactid created in idea jar?




I collected jar in intellij idea (build-build artifacts) of one of your project to connect it to the second, but the second is going with Maven , that is, I need to pom.xml prescribe dependencies, I need to know the groupid, artifactid and version of your own Jar how to do it?

Answer 1, Authority 100%

If your first project is going to Maven, then:

  1. Watch Groupid, Artifactid and Version in a POM.xml project that you want to have in dependencies, perform MVN Install, so that Maven would install an artifact to local repository.
  2. prescribe in the dependence of the created artifact.

If not, then in the second project we prescribe a plugin. It is said here as . But all the same, it is better to make the first project too Maven project.

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