Home java How to find out what is chosen in Radiogroup in ListView?

How to find out what is chosen in Radiogroup in ListView?




began to learn Android. The question arose, the google did not particularly help.
There is a ListVIEW filled with some of the Items. Each Item consists of TextView, Radiogroup, RadioButton, respectively. Actually, how to get the values ​​selected by the user in the Radiogroup by pressing the button. The amount of Item may be arbitrary. I do not understand how to do it.

It looks like ACTIVITY:

& lt; xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & gt;
& lt; linearlayout
  XMLNS: Android = "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
  XMLNS: App = "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto"
  XMLNS: Tools = "http://schemas.android.com/tools"
  Android: layout_width = "Match_Parent"
  Android: Layout_Height = "Match_Parent"
  Android: PaddingBotTom = "@ dimen / activity_vertical_margin"
  Android: paddingleft = "@ dimen / activity_horizontal_margin"
  Android: paddingright = "@ dimen / activity_horizontal_margin"
  Android: paddingtop = "@ dimen / activity_vertical_margin"
  Android: Orientation = "Vertical"
  App: layout_behavior = "@ String / AppBar_Scrollling_View_Behavior"
  Tools: Context = ". QuestionssCrollactivity"
  Tools: Showin = "@ layout / activity_questions_scroll"
  & gt;
  & lt; listview
    Android: id = "@ + id / listview"
    Android: layout_width = "Match_Parent"
    Android: layout_height = "wrap_content"
    Android: ChoICEMODE = "NONE"
    Android: Layout_Weight = "1"
    / & gt;
  & lt; button
    Android: layout_width = "Match_Parent"
    Android: layout_height = "wrap_content"
    Android: Text = "Check answers"
    Android: id = "@ + ID / Checkanswers"
    / & gt;
& lt; / linearlayout & gt;

Actually Question.xml is the Item of which listview

& lt; xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & gt;
& lt; linearlayout
  XMLNS: Android = "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
  Android: Orientation = "Vertical"
  Android: layout_width = "fill_parent"
  Android: layout_height = "wrap_content"
  Android: Layout_AlignParentTop = "True"
  Android: layout_alignparentleft = "True"
  Android: Layout_AlignParentStart = "True"
  Android: weightsum = "1" & gt;
  & lt; TextView
    Android: id = "@ + ID / QuestionNumberTextExTView"
    Android: layout_width = "wrap_content"
    Android: layout_height = "wrap_content"
    Android: TextAppearance = "? Android: attr / textappeaancemedium"
    Android: Text = ""
    Android: layout_gravity = "center_horizontal" / & gt;
  & lt; TextView
    Android: layout_width = "Match_Parent"
    Android: layout_height = "wrap_content"
    Android: TextAppearance = "? Android: attr / textappeaancemedium"
    Android: Text = "Test Question"
    Android: id = "@ + id / QuestionTextView"
    Android: Layout_Weight = "0.17"
    Android: layout_margintop = "15dp"
    Android: TextSize = "24SP"
    Android: layout_marginbottom = "15dp" / & gt;
  & lt; linearlayout
    Android: Orientation = "Vertical"
    Android: layout_width = "Match_Parent"
    Android: layout_height = "wrap_content"
    Android: layout_gravity = "center_horizontal" & gt;
    & lt; radiogroup
      Android: id = "@ + id / radiogroup"
      Android: layout_width = "Match_Parent"
      Android: Layout_Height = "Match_Parent"
      & gt;
      & lt; RadioButton
        Android: layout_width = "wrap_content"
        Android: layout_height = "wrap_content"
        Android: Text = "Test Answer"
        Android: id = "@ + ID / AnswerRadioButton1"
        Android: Checked = "False"
        Android: paddingtop = "5dp"
        Android: paddingbottom = "5dp" / & gt;
      & lt; RadioButton
        Android: layout_width = "wrap_content"
        Android: layout_height = "wrap_content"
        Android: Text = "Test Answer"
        Android: id = "@ + ID / AnswerRadioButton2"
        Android: Checked = "False" / & gt;
      & lt; RadioButton
        Android: layout_width = "wrap_content"
        Android: layout_height = "wrap_content"
        Android: Text = "Test Answer" 
Android: id = "@ + ID / AnswerRadioButton3"
        Android: Checked = "False" / & gt;
      & lt; RadioButton
        Android: layout_width = "wrap_content"
        Android: layout_height = "wrap_content"
        Android: Text = "Test Answer"
        Android: id = "@ + ID / AnswerRadioButton4"
        Android: Checked = "False" / & gt;
    & lt; / radiogroup & gt;
  & lt; / linearlayout & gt;
& lt; / linearlayout & gt;

and adapter

Public Class Questionadapter EXTENDS Arrayadapter & LT; Question & GT; {
  Public Questionadapter (CONTEXT CONTEXT, ARRAYLIST & LT; Question & GT; Questions) {
    Super (Context, 0, Questions);
  Public View GetView (Int Position, View ConvertView, ViewGroup Parent) {
    Final Question Question = GetItem (Position);
    ViewHOLDER Viewholder;
    if (convertView == NULL) {
      convertView = layoutinflater.from (getContext (). Inflate (R.Layout.Question, Parent, False);
      Viewholder = New Viewholder ();
      viewholder.QuestionNumberTextView = (TextView) convertView.findViewByid (R.ID.QuestionNumberTextView);
      Viewholder.QuestionTextView = (textView) convertView.findViewByid (R.ID.QuestionTextView);
      viewholder.radiogroup = (Radiogroup) convertView.findViewByid (R.ID.RADiOGroup);
      Viewholder.answerRadioButton1 = (RadioButton) convertView.findViewByid (R.ID.answerRadioButton1);
      Viewholder.answerradioButton2 = (RadioButton) convertView.findViewByid (R.ID.answerRadioButton2);
      Viewholder.answerRadioButton3 = (RadioButton) convertView.findViewByid (R.ID.answerRadioButton3);
      Viewholder.answerRadioButton4 = (RadioButton) convertView.findViewByid (R.ID.answerRadioButton4);
      ConvertView.Settag (Viewholder);
    } else {
      Viewholder = (Viewholder) convertView.gettag ();
    List & LT; Answer & GT; Answerlist = question.getanswers ();
    If (Answerlist! = NULL) {
      viewholder.questionNumberTextView.setText ("Question #" + (Position + 1));
      viewholder.QuestionTextView.SetText (Question.getQuestion ());
      Viewholder.answerRadioButton1.SetText (Answerlist.get (0) .Getanswer ());
      Viewholder.answerRadioButton2.SetText (Answerlist.get (1) .Getanswer ());
      Viewholder.answerRadioButton3.settext (Answerlist.get (2) .Getanswer ());
      Viewholder.answerRadioButton4.SetText (Answerlist.get (3) .Getanswer ());
    Return convertView;
  STATIC CLASS Viewholder {
    TextView QuestionNumberTextView;
    TextView QuestionTextView;
    Radiogroup Radiogroup;
    RadioButton AnswerRadioButton1;
    RadioButton AnswerradioButton2;
    RadioButton AnswerRadioButton3;
    RadioButton AnswerRadioButton4;

Answer 1, Authority 100%

Everything is very simple – hang the listener of clicks in the adapter on the Radiogroup and register the COLLEC (callback interface) of the data obtained if they need to be transmitted to activat.

To identify the transmitted data (in which Ateme there is a click) through the COLLEK, pass the current value position from the adapter.

If you need to receive data from Items not in real time (to process each click separately), but, for example, by clicking on some of the selection completion button, then it’s still easier to the COLLECT, information from the listener is going to some kind Storage (collection of data, models) and a method is created in the adapter returning this collection.
When clicking on the button, activat appeals to this method and receives a data set with the selection results.

Also the above collection of data on states in Radiogroup will be needed to store the current selection and recovery of the ahemes during the scrolling, since the atems are periodically rewrong and if not saving a state, the choice will be lost.

Sample adapter code without a column may look like this:

Public Class Questionadapter EXTENDS Arrayadapter & LT; Question & GT; { 
int [] checkedAnswers;
  public QuestionAdapter (Context context, ArrayList & lt; Question & gt; questions) {
    super (context, 0, questions);
    checkedAnswers = new int [questions.size ()];
  public View getView (final int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
    final Question question = getItem (position);
    ViewHolder viewHolder;
    if (convertView == null) {
      convertView = LayoutInflater.from (getContext ()). inflate (R.layout.question, parent, false);
      viewHolder = new ViewHolder ();
      viewHolder.questionNumberTextView = (TextView) convertView.findViewById (R.id.questionNumberTextView);
      viewHolder.questionTextView = (TextView) convertView.findViewById (R.id.questionTextView);
      viewHolder.radioGroup = (RadioGroup) convertView.findViewById (R.id.radioGroup);
      // remember which element is selected at a certain position
      viewHolder.radioGroup.setOnCheckedChangeListener (new RadioGroup.OnCheckedChangeListener () {
        public void onCheckedChanged (RadioGroup group, int checkedId) {
          switch (checkedId) {
            case -1: // nothing is selected
              checkedAnswers [position] = -1;
            case R.id.answerRadioButton1:
              checkedAnswers [position] = 0;
            case R.id.answerRadioButton2:
              checkedAnswers [position] = 1;
            case R.id.answerRadioButton3:
              checkedAnswers [position] = 2;
            case R.id.answerRadioButton4:
              checkedAnswers [position] = 3;
      viewHolder.answerRadioButton1 = (RadioButton) convertView.findViewById (R.id.answerRadioButton1);
      viewHolder.answerRadioButton2 = (RadioButton) convertView.findViewById (R.id.answerRadioButton2);
      viewHolder.answerRadioButton3 = (RadioButton) convertView.findViewById (R.id.answerRadioButton3);
      viewHolder.answerRadioButton4 = (RadioButton) convertView.findViewById (R.id.answerRadioButton4);
      convertView.setTag (viewHolder);
    } else {
      viewHolder = (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag ();
    List & lt; Answer & gt; answerList = question.getAnswers ();
    if (answerList! = null) {
      viewHolder.questionNumberTextView.setText ("Question #" + (position + 1));
      viewHolder.questionTextView.setText (question.getQuestion ());
      // restore the selection in the RadioGroup
      if (checkedAnswers [position] == -1) viewHolder.radioGroup.clearCheck ();
       else viewHolder.radioGroup.check (((RadioButton) viewHolder.radioGroup.getChildAt (checkedAnswers [position])). getId ());
      viewHolder.answerRadioButton1.setText (answerList.get (0) .getAnswer ());
      viewHolder.answerRadioButton2.setText (answerList.get (1) .getAnswer ());
      viewHolder.answerRadioButton3.setText (answerList.get (2) .getAnswer ());
      viewHolder.answerRadioButton4.setText (answerList.get (3) .getAnswer ());
    return convertView;
  // the method returns an array with the results of the selection in the list
  public int [] getCheckedAnswers () {
    return checkedAnswers;
  static class ViewHolder {
    TextView questionNumberTextView;
    TextView questionTextView;
    RadioGroup radioGroup;
    RadioButton answerRadioButton1;
    RadioButton answerRadioButton2;
    RadioButton answerRadioButton3;
    RadioButton answerRadioButton4;

Here we are when clicking in Radiogroup read which of the RadioButton click the user and save it the choice, then, when forming Atema, restore the user’s choice to avoid the loss of data entered Due to the testing of the list item.
Method getCheckedanswers () Returns an array of values ​​where the position in the array will correspond to the position in the list, the values ​​are as follows:

  • -1 – nothing selected
  • 0 – The first item is selected in Radiogroup
  • 1 – selected second paragraph
  • 2 – the third item
  • is selected

  • 3 – selected fourth item

Accept from activist (for example, in the click Handler on the Checkanswers button) as follows:

int [] checkdanswers = adapter.getcheckedanswers ();

PS: This code has nowhere to test, so it is rather a template for demonstrating the solution than the finished solution for the copy-paste.

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