Home java Implementing a single-connected list in java

Implementing a single-connected list in java




Add a new element L to a one-connected list of each entry of E. element
For example, let’s say there is a list of elements 2, 3, 4, 7, 23, 2, 4. With console, we enter two more items. For example, L = 55 and E = 4. After this, the program should issue a new list of 2,3,4,55,7,23,2,4,55.
I was able to implement only the list. I tried to create in the INSERT method and in a separate method, but I can’t think. How do I implement?

import java.io. *;
Import java.util.scanner;
Import java.util.nosuchelementException;
Public Class LinkedList {
  Node Head; // Head of List
  Static Class Node {
    Node NEXT;
    // Constructor.
    Node (int d) {
      Data = D;
      NEXT = NULL;
    // Method to Insert A New Node
    Public Static LinkedList INSERT (LinkedList List, Int Data) {
      Node new_node = New Node (DATA);
      new_node.next = null;
      // if the linked list is empty,
      // Then Make The New Node AS Head
      if (list.head == null) {
        List.head = new_node;
      } else {
        Node Last = List.Head;
        While (last.next! = NULL) {
          Last = last.next;
        last.next = new_node;
      // Return The List by Head
    // Method to Print The LinkedList.
    Public Static Void PrintList (LinkedList List) {
      Node Currnode = List.Head;
      System.Out.print ("LinkedList:");
      // Traverse Through the LinkedList
      While (Currnode! = NULL) {
        // Print The Data At Current Node
        System.out.Print (Currnode.data + ");
        // Go to Next Node
      System.Out.printLN ();
Public Static Void Main (String [] Args) {
      LinkedList List = New LinkedList ();
      // ****** INSERTION ******
      List = Insert (LIST, 1);
      List = Insert (List, 2);
      List = Insert (List, 3);
      List = Insert (List, 4);
      List = Insert (List, 5);
      List = Insert (List, 6);
      List = Insert (List, 7);
      List = Insert (List, 8);
      // Print the LinkedList
      PrintList (LIST);

Answer 1, Authority 100%

Your code, as I wrote contains weaknesses. The vertices of Node should be aggregated, and implemented by a separate class (not internal). Let’s agree, you before selling a bike, first thug how it is written. On the Internet, men have already implemented much better than you and even me. For the source, I took This code and I liked it.

class listelement {
  Listelement Next; // pointer to the next element
  INT DATA; // data
Class List {
  Private Listelement Head; // pointer to first element
  Private Listelement Tail; // pointer the last element
  Void AddFront (int data) // Add a front
    Listelement A = New Listelement (); // Create a new element
    a.data = DATA; // Initialize the data.
    // pointer to the next element is automatically initialized as NULL
    if (Head == NULL) // if the list is empty
    {// then indicate the references of the beginning and end to the new element
      Head = A; //those. The list now consists of one item
      Tail = A;
    ELSE { 
a.next = head; // otherwise the new element now refers to the "former" first
      Head = A; // A pointer to the first element now refers to a new element
  Void Addback (int data) {// Adding to the end of the list
    Listelement A = New Listelement (); // Create a new element
    a.data = DATA;
    if (tail == null) // if the list is empty
    {// then indicate the references of the beginning and end to the new element
      Head = A; //those. The list now consists of one item
      Tail = A;
    } else {
      tail.next = a; // otherwise "old" the last element now refers to the new
      Tail = A; // And in the pointer to the last element, write the address of the new element
  Void PrintList () // Print List
    Listelement T = this.head; // Get a reference to the first element
    While (T! = NULL) // While the element is the existence
      System.Out.print (T.Data + "); // Print its data
      T = T.NEXT; // and switch to the next
    System.Out.printLN ();
  Public void AddAfter (int prevel, int nextel) {// Mstod that asked you
    Listelement T = this.head; // We get a reference to the first element
    While (T! = NULL) {
      If (prevel == t.data) {
        Listelement E = New Listelement ();
        E.Data = Nextel;
        E.NEXT = T.NEXT;
        T.NEXT = E;
        T = E;
      T = T.NEXT;
  Void Delel (int data) // Removing an item
    if (Head == null) // if the list is empty -
      Return; // do not do anything
    if (Head == tail) {// if the list consists of one element
      HEAD = NULL; // Clean the start and end indicators
      Tail = NULL;
      Return; // and come out
    if (head.data == data) {// If the first element is the one that we need
      Head = head.next; // Switch the start pointer to the second element
      Return; // and come out
    Listelement T = Head; // otherwise we start to look
    while (t.next! = NULL) {// While the next element exists
      if (t.next.data == DATA) {// Check the following element
        if (tail == t.next) // if it is last
          Tail = T; // then switch the pointer to the last item to the current
        T.NEXT = T.NEXT.NEXT; // found element throw out
        Return; // and come out
      T = T.NEXT; // otherwise looking for further
Public Class Listtest {
  Public Static Void Main (String [] Args) {
    List L = new list ();
    For (int i = 0; i & lt; = 5; i ++) {
      L.ADDBACK (I);
    L.PrintList ();
    l.addafter (4, 4);
    L.PrintList ();

Public Void AddAfter (int prevel, int nextel) – I implemented for you that it is not clear – ask in the comments. Class Listtest – to test your list. I tested – it seems to work.

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