Just understand with the concepts of Mutex and Semaphore, therefore I decided to solve the simplest problem about 5 philosophers.
About the task itself: there are 5 people (philosophers) and a table that enlists 2 people. It is necessary to feed all people and at the same time not to create a conflict situation when 2 people will try to sit at the table.
The idea of the solution seems very simple: Create semiphore with 2 permit , and in run each stream deals with 1 of these Permit . After the delay occurs (the philosopher eats), the place is released – 1 permit is released.
full solution code, as it is relatively small:
import java.util.concurrent.semaphore;
Public Class MainsemapHore {
Private Static Class Philosopher EXTENDS Thread {
Private Semaphore Semaphore;
Static int table_capacity = 0;
Philosopher (String Name, Semaphore Semaphore) {
This.setname (Name);
this.semaphore = semapore;
Public void Run () {
super.run ();
Try {
System.out.Printf ("% s came to eat. \ N", getname ());
semapore.acquire (1);
Table_capacity ++;
System.Out.printf ("% s sat at the table. At the table now:% D philosophers. \ N", getName (), Table_Capacity);
Try {
SLEEP (10);
} Catch (InterruptedException E) {
E.PrintStackTrace ();
System.out.Printf ("% s was rooted and got out of the table. At the table now:% D philosophers. \ N", getName (),
semaphore.release (1);
} Catch (InterruptedException E) {
E.PrintStackTrace ();
Finally {
semaphore.release ();
Public Static Void Main (String [] Args) {
Semaphore Sem = New Semaphore (2, True);
Philosopher ph1 = new philosopher ("Aristotle", SEM);
Philosopher ph2 = new philosopher ("Plato", SEM);
Philosopher PH3 = New Philosopher (Socrates, SEM);
Philosopher PH4 = New Philosopher ("Diogen", SEM);
ph1.start ();
ph2.start ();
ph3.start ();
pp4.start ();
ph5.start ();
Alas, in practice, the idea is not perfect. To be more accurate, it does not work completely. In the screenshot, it can be seen below that 3 philosophers are sitting at some point at some point:
Even if you reduce the number of places (permit ) to one, there will be a moment when the table will be 2 (and then 3) of the philosopher!
I absolutely do not understand what may be the problem.
Answer 1, Authority 100%
First Table_capacity
Must be Atomicinteger
, because there are two streams can be at the same time, and secondly you have two semaphore.release (1);
one in try
, other in finally
and it turns out that one past philosophers fully frees semaphore