The calculator takes an expression from the user and writes it to a string that I want to check for the presence of Roman numerals and replace them with Arabic ones. The calculator accepts numbers up to 10 as input. Only now I can not understand where the error is, it seems to me a logical error.
here is my code:
public class Main {
private static final char exitCharacter = '!';
public static void main (String [] args) {
DataReader reader = new DataReader (exitCharacter);
while (true) {
try { ();
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
System.err.println (e.getMessage ());
if (reader.isExitFlag ()) {
System.out.println ("The expression contains an exit sign:" + exitCharacter);
System.out.println ("Program termination.");
double result = Calculator.calculate (reader.getVar1 (), reader.getVar2 (), reader.getOper ());
System.out.println (result);
import java.util.Scanner;
public class DataReader {
private int number1;
private int number2;
private char operation;
private boolean exitFlag;
private char exitCharacter;
private char resultChar;
public DataReader (char exitCharacter) {
this.exitCharacter = exitCharacter;
this.resultChar = '=';
public void read () {
Integer [] arabic = {10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1};
String [] roman = {"X", "IX", "VIII", "VII", "VI", "V", "IV", "III", "II", "I"};
System.out.println ("Enter an expression consisting of two integers from 0 to 10, an operation sign and an equal sign (eg 2 + 2 =):");
Scanner scanner = new Scanner (;
// StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder ();
String text = scanner.nextLine ();
if (text.indexOf (exitCharacter)! = -1) {
exitFlag = true;
try {
if ((text.charAt (text.length () - 1)! = resultChar)) {
throw new RuntimeException ();
text = text.substring (0, text.length () - 1);
String [] blocks = text.split ("[+ - / *]");
// check if the string blocks [0] is included in the string array of the "roman" array
boolean flag = false;
for (int i = 0; i & lt; roman.length; i ++) {
if (roman [i] .equals (blocks [0]) || roman [i] .equals (blocks [1])) {
flag = true;
// flag = true, so we will deal with Roman notation
if (flag) {
number1 = romanToNumber (blocks [0]);
number2 = romanToNumber (blocks [1]);
} else {
number1 = Integer.parseInt (blocks [0]);
operation = text.charAt (blocks [0] .length ());
number2 = Integer.parseInt (blocks [1]);
if ((number1 & gt; 10 || number1 & lt; 0) || (number2 & gt; 10 || number2 & lt; 0)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ();
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Invalid data format");
private static int romanToNumber (String roman) {
if (roman.equals ("I")) {
return 1;
} else if (roman.equals ("II")) {
return 2;
} else if (roman.equals ("III")) {
return 3;
} else if (roman.equals ("IV")) {
return 4;
} else if (roman.equals ("V")) {
return 5;
} else if (roman.equals ("VI")) {
return 6;
} else if (roman.equals ("VII")) {
return 7;
} else if (roman.equals ("VIII")) {
return 8;
} else if (roman.equals ("IX")) {
return 9;
} else if (roman.equals ("X")) {
return 10;
} else {
return -1;
public int getVar1 () {
return number1;
Public int getvar2 () {
Public Char Getoper () {
Public Boolean IsExitflag () {
Return exitflag;
Public Class Calculator {
Private Calculator () {}
Public Static Double Calculate (INT NUMBER1, INT NUMBER2, CHAR OPERATION) {
Switch (Operation) {
Case '+': Result = Number1 + Number2; Break;
Case '-': Result = Number1 - NUMBER2; Break;
Case '*': Result = Number1 * Number2; Break;
Case '/': Result = Number1 / Number2; Break;
DEFAULT: Throw New IllegAlarGumexception ("Not the correct operation sign");
Release Operation = Text.Charat (Blocks [0] .length ()); For the Forcycle cycle, the calculator refuses to work with Roman numerals and throws out the exception
2 + ii =
Invalid data format
Answer 1, Authority 100%
if (Roman [i] .equals (Blocks [0]) || Roman [i] .equals (Blocks [1])){
Flag = True;
// Flag = True, then we will deal with Roman designations
if (flag) {
} else {
Number1 = integer.paraseint (blocks [0]);
Operation = Text.Charat (Blocks [0] .length ());
Number2 = integer.paraseint (blocks [1]);
Incorrect logic. You set the flag after checking on the "X"
and you start to parse the operands as a decimal. If the operands – Roman, but not "X"
, an error occurs