Home java java. Count lines from file

java. Count lines from file




Hello. Help me please. You need to read from .txt file strings that look like this:

February 14
December 10th
June, 22

Day to read in the int variable, the name of the month in the String variable.
I can’t figure it out how to do it?

scanner sc = new scanner (new file ("D: \\ 1.Txt"));
While (SC.HASNEXT ()) {
  int tempdy = sc.nextint ();
  String Tempmonth = SC.NEXTLINE ();
  TheTree.insert (Tempday, Tempmonth); // Inserting data into a binary tree

Answer 1, Authority 100%

scanner sc = new scanner (new file ("D: \\ 1.Txt"));
int tempdy;
String [] Splitted;
String Tempmonth;
While (SC.HASNEXT ()) {
  splitted = sc.nextline (). Split (");
  tempdy = integer.paraseint (splitted [0]);
  tempmonth = splitted [1];
  TheTree.insert (Tempday, Tempmonth); // Inserting data into a binary tree

sample work

UPD: Checked reading from the file – everything works:

import java.io.file;
Import java.io.fileNotFoundException;
Import java.util.scanner;
Public Class Test {
  Public Static Void Main (String [] Args) Throws FileNotFoundException {
    Scanner SC = NEW Scanner (New File ("file.txt"));
    int tempdy;
    String [] Splitted;
    String Tempmonth;
    While (SC.HASNEXT ()) {
      splitted = sc.nextline (). Split (");
      tempdy = integer.paraseint (splitted [0]);
      tempmonth = splitted [1];
      System.out.PrintLN (Tempday + "," + Tempmonth);

Answer 2

If you use Scanner for a large number, say 10 ^ 5 will already be performed more than 1 second. Therefore, for large data it is better to use StreamTokenizer. Here is an example of work.

import java.io. *;
Public Class example_read {
  Public Static Void Main (String [] Args) Throws IoException {
    StreamTokenizer Reader = New BufferedInPutStream (New FileInputStream (New File (Input.txt))));
    While (reader.nextToken ()! = streamtokenizer.tt_eof) {
      int day = (int) reader.nval;
      reader.nextToken ();
      String Month = Reader.Sval;
      System.out.PrintLN (Day + "" + Month);

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