Home java Java implementation of a singly linked list

Java implementation of a singly linked list




Add a new L element to the singly linked list after each occurrence of E.
For example, let’s say we have a list of items 2, 3, 4, 7, 23, 2, 4. From the console, we enter two more items. For example L = 55 and E = 4. After that the program should return a new list 2,3,4,55,7,23,2,4,55.
I was only able to implement a list. I tried to create in the insert method and in a separate method, but I just can’t think of it. How do I implement it?

import java.io.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
public class LinkedList {
    Node head; // head of list
    static class Node {
        int data;
        Node next;
        // Constructor
        Node(int d) {
            data = d;
            next = null;
        // Method to insert a new node
        public static LinkedList insert(LinkedList list, int data) {
            // Create a new node with given data
            Node new_node = new Node(data);
            new_node.next = null;
            // If the Linked List is empty,
            // then make the new node as head
            if (list.head == null) {
                list.head = new_node;
            } else {
                // Else traverse till the last node
                // and insert the new_node there
                Node last = list.head;
                while (last.next != null) {
                    last = last.next;
                // Insert the new_node at last node
                last.next = new_node;
            // Return the list by head
            return list;
        // Method to print the LinkedList.
        public static void printList(LinkedList list) {
            Node currNode = list.head;
            System.out.print("LinkedList: ");
            // Traverse through the LinkedList
            while (currNode != null) {
                // Print the data at current node
                System.out.print(currNode.data + " ");
                // Go to next node
                currNode = currNode.next;
public static void main(String[] args) {
            LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
            // ******INSERTION******
            // Insert the values
            list = insert(list, 1);
            list = insert(list, 2);
            list = insert(list, 3);
            list = insert(list, 4);
            list = insert(list, 5);
            list = insert(list, 6);
            list = insert(list, 7);
            list = insert(list, 8);
            // Print the LinkedList

Answer 1, authority 100%

Your code, as I have already written, contains weaknesses. The Nodenodes should be aggregated and implemented in a separate class (not internal). Let’s agree, before you sell the bike, first google how it is spelled. On the Internet, men have already implemented much better than you and even me. For the source I took this code and I liked it.

class ListElement {
    ListElement next;    // pointer to next element
    int data;            // data
class List {
    private ListElement head;       // pointer to first element
    private ListElement tail;       // pointer last element
    void addFront(int data)           //add in front
        ListElement a = new ListElement();  //creating a new element
        a.data = data;              //is data.
        // pointer to next element TTis isT  null
        if(head == null)            //if the list is empty
        {                           //then we indicate the start and end links to the new element
            head = a;               //T.is.  Tisis TT   isisT
            tail = a;
        else {
            a.next = head;          //is  isisT Tisis isT  "former" is
            head = a;               // pointer to first element Tisis isT   isisT
    void addBack(int data) {          //isis  is 
        ListElement a = new ListElement();  //creating a new element
        a.data = data;
        if (tail == null)           //if the list is empty
        {                           //then we indicate the start and end links to the new element
            head = a;               //T.is.  Tisis TT   isisT
            tail = a;
        } else {
            tail.next = a;          //is "T" is isisT Tisis isT  
            tail = a;               //  Tis  is isisT is is  isisT
    void printList()                //isT 
        ListElement t = this.head;       //is   is isisT
        while (t != null)           // isisT isTis
            System.out.print(t.data + " "); //isTis is data
            t = t.next;                     // isisis  is
    public void addAfter(int prevEl, int nextEl){//T T  
        ListElement t = this.head; //is   isisisT
        while (t!=null){
                ListElement e = new ListElement();
                e.data = nextEl;
                e.next = t.next;
                t.next = e;
                t =e;
           t = t.next;
    void delEl(int data)          //isis isisT
        if(head == null)        //if the list is empty -
            return;             //is is isis
        if (head == tail) {     //is  TT   isisT
            head = null;        //is Tis   
            tail = null;
            return;             //and we leave
        if (head.data == data) {    //is is isisT - TT, T  is
            head = head.next;       //isisis Tis   T isisT
            return;                 //and we leave
        ListElement t = head;       //is is T
        while (t.next != null) {    // is isisT isTisT
            if (t.next.data == data) {  //isis is isisT
                if(tail == t.next)      //is  is
                    tail = t;           //T isisis Tis  is isisT  Tis
                t.next = t.next.next;   //is isisT is
                return;                 //and we leave
            t = t.next;                //is is is
public class ListTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List l = new List();
        for(int i = 0; i<=5; i++){
        l.addAfter(4, 4);

Method public void addAfter(int prevEl, int nextEl)– I implemented it for you, which is not clear – ask in the comments. The ListTestclass is for testing your list. I tested it – it seems to work.

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